The final show

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A/N The comments now contain spoilers look at them before reading the entire chapter at your own risk!

Laurences P.O.V

Having agreed to eat before each show even if it’s only an apple Kier performs the last few shows with much more energy than the ones before them and before I know it we’re travelling to London for the last date of tour. “So do you know if Ashestoangels are coming?!” I shout over Metallica blaring from the vans speakers “WHAT?!” Luke shouts back “TURN IT DOWN!” Drew exclaims “NOW LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT-” Luke laughs, the last word is ridiculously loud as Kier has used his iniciative to turn the CD down. We all erupt into laughter for a minute before we all finally stop and Luke asks “so what were you saying?” Barrone stumbles over running his hand through his dishevelled hair “you guys woke me up” he frowns collapsing onto the seat next to Kier “YOU SLEPT THROUGH FUCKING METALLICA BUT NOT LUKE SHOUTING?!” Drew exclaims “sorry bit loud” he laughs quickly afterwards “mhmmm” Barrone mumbles sleepily “I said do you know if Ashes are coming?” I ask causing everyone to look at me confused until they realize I’m answering Lukes question. We are not morning people – or rather we’re not morning before we’ve got caffeine in us people. “Not a clue” Luke says almost questioningly. “we could always text Crilly” Barrone suggests “I know you’ve just woke up but thats the most ridiculous suggestion I’ve ever heard” Kier laughs “huh?” Barrone asks confused “the guy has 400 unread messages at any given time” I laugh “oh right” Barrone says sleepily rubbing his eyes “call him?” Drew asks “that could work” I agree.


After 15 minutes on the phone we’ve concluded they are indeed coming but Crilly has to tell them all and make a round trip picking them all up before driving to London. I doubt he’ll even get them assembled before the show starts but I decide to trust him. “we’re here” Luke sighs pulling up outside a building that looks rather past it’s prime. It does look big though “you know the flats not too far from here” Kier says simply “it is” I agree “we’ve got a few hours lets go home?” he almost pleads “we could get some shopping in” Barrone suggests much more awake by now “why are you so boring?” Drew laughs “realistic is the word you’re looking for no doubt you’ll all be ridiculously drunk before the nights over and will be in no state to shop tomorrow and I know for a fact even when you’re hungover you’re all too fussy to eat moldy bread” Barrone states.

I look over at Barrone smiling, he’s useful sometimes. I’d never have thought of that “right good point” Luke laughs “what do we even need?” India asks “food” Drew says simply “well anything really the cupboards are empty and I think all we have is off milk and mouldy bread” I laugh. “To Tesco!” Luke shouts enthusiastically starting the van up again and pulling away from the venue.

Kiers P.O.V:

“What the hell is this?!” I exclaim holding out some kind of bread? “seeded bread Kier” Laurence sighs exasperated “and why the fuck would they put seeds on it?” I ask confused “people want to be healthy I guess” Laurence sighs “but we’re not fucking birds” “and bread really?” I add “Kier is that going in the trolley or not?” Laurence sighs “no” I frown placing the ‘seeded bread’ back “shouldn’t even call it bread, who the hell puts seeds on bread?” I mutter “riiiiight” Laurence smiles grabbing a loaf of bread, without seeds I might add, and placing it into the trolley. India runs over almost colliding with the trolley and does a little dance “what are you doing?” Barrone asks wide eyed backing behind me a little “I FOUND THE CHINESE SECTION AND THEY HAD AN OFFER ON NOODLES!” she grins throwing 5? 6? Packets of noodles in the trolley. There is something wrong with that girl.

“I lived above a Chinese” she smiles before running back away presumably to the isle full of Chinese food. I guess that explains her infatuation with Chinese “you’d have thought she was sick of it then” Barrone frowns “Mexican” Laurence replies pushing the trolley away causing us to scurry after him. I guess he’s right we – well they now I guess – still love Mexian after living a few doors down from one and eating it at every opportunity.

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