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Madras was sitting on the corner of the expensive glass box. He blinked eyeing the Inari laying on a silver plate cross from him. He closed his eyes feeling his stomach growl for food as his cheeks turned pink.

_(n)_ stared at him confuse " your not hungry....?"


"Come on at least talk to me..."


She glared puffing her cheeks while the small thing looked down at the food still having a cute pout. Madara snuggled to himself while his hair kept him warm. _(n)_ thought for a bit soon she stood up and opened the case putting her hand in. He eyed it carefully seeing her getting a small Inari piece moving it to his face " come on ~~ open up!!" "..." " Madara ~~~~" "....."  She smiled while he glared blushing confuse. His small stomach growled as he closed his eyes trembling letting out a whimpering noise. He sigh opening his mouth slowly taking a piece of the fried tofu as he chewed looking to the side blushing.
_(n)_ smiled widely having a happy expression as she finally watched him eat something since she got him the other day.

Madara then hugged him self not eating anymore making her eye twitch " oh no your not." She moved her hand closer making the fried tofu smack his face having him loose balance a bit. A growl left his throat as he glared up at her holding on to the wooden surface.

"If your not going to eat I'll force you . "


"Are you testing me !!?"


She glared a bit while he glared angrier at her. The woman tried getting him but he quickly stood up running away breathing hard looking back at the hand following him. He slammed on the glass stumbling back hitting his butt hard on the wood. He placed his hands on the glass as he tried catching his breath. He froze being picked up from his shirt soon sited on a corner facing  the 20 year old.

His cheeks turned pink seeing Inari close to his face as he eyed it carefully. Yet again. His stomach growled loudly making him twitch.

"Come on Madara ~~~"


"You know you want to eat. You can stay quiet for ever but you can't stop eating."

The little thing blushed again seeing how she was with him. He looked to the side then up at the Inari on the chopsticks "....." He sigh opening his mouth slowly while she smiled happily.


_(n)_ walked calmly eyeing the different clothing " hmm........" She got a cute armor one giggling " he would look so cute !!" She had hearts coming out her head imagining him glaring wearing it.


Madara sat on the box irritated. He looked around seeing the usual small house trees etc. he looked up at the lid seeing it half open so he could get better air. He smirked slowly walking quickly to the home climbing up to the roof , he soon began to jump none stop till he held on to the metal bar having the light bulb. The male snickered evilly having his sharingan activated.


_(n)_ walked reading a small pamphlet ' so they don't have to eat later on or they can get sick........' She blinked twice smiling as she placed it back inside the small bag then slowly looked straight seeing many people walking around with their small pocket pets ' Hu........maybe I should had brought him...' She sweat dropped smiling thinking.


Madara ran breathing hard looking back at the giant fur beast following him as it mew.
The man looked around but gasped being picked up from his hair by the cat as it walked off to a darken room. The male trembled dangling like a noodle not able to make him spit him down.


_(n)_ smiled opening her door as she calmly walked in soon she slide it close. The young woman stepped on the tile floor as she headed towards her room but stop sweating nervously .

Madara was trying to get out from under the cats fat stomach as it slept. The small sigh but blinked seeing her "..........." He blushed slowly seeing the look she was giving him "...." " say please and I'll help you ~~~~"

A large vein slowly formed on his temple as he sigh yet again . _(n)_'s eyes widen while her mouth twitched hearing the manliest and huskiest voice ever.

"Get me out. please."


I hope it's turning out well (*≧▽≦)ノシit'll be a bit similar to my how tame a shinobi since they're both pretty much pets but this one has no violence and less Pervy  junk happening ! And double the fluff

Pocket Pet (Uchiha Madara )( Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now