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Art by Tumbler: Sinechen ❤️


_(n)_ smiled calmly kneeling
Down as she gently pulled up her cats stomach letting the small male crawl out quickly. He had a poker face as he dangled from the woman getting him by his shirt " now I bought you some stuff." She slowly stood up walking towards her room. Madara stared at her glaring a bit ' Tch' he looked to the side.


Madara glared blushing darkly as he looked down. _(n)_ was smiling happily seeing the cute thing wearing red armor " your so adorable !!" "U-Urusai!" He yelled angrily. He maybe small but his voice was close to that of a god. He crossed his arms angrily while she giggled at his tiny outbursts.  The woman smiled scratching his head with her finger while he looked up at her " Nani......" " your so cute !!" She got him happily kissing his cheek .
Madara blushed stiffening like a statue "n-never do that!!!!" He glared embarrassed while she laughed happily as his tiny hands pushed her lips away.


A small red thing was seen sitting on top of a woman's head as she walked around the kitchen preparing food. Madara blinked bored eyeing the strange ingredients she was getting " what's the white liquid for ?" " that's milk..." " milk...?" He blinked confuse he soon moved his eyes to a basket " what are those rounded things " " eggs.." " what!!??" He made a disgust expression while she giggled nervously " not those types of eggs............wait have you never seen this ??" " well...I was on that box since I was young so yeah...." " ahh....." She sweat dropped while he blinked eyeing the stuff.


_(n)_ smiled holding chopsticks while Madara chewed on the anari they held. She had hearts coming out her head from the cuteness that was this little thing. She giggle happily making him look at her weirdly ' strange chick.' He twitched seeing the beast rising.
A fat cat jumped on the table meowing loudly. Madara quickly got up running to the safety that was the woman's arm. _(n)_ blinked looking down at him smiling " are you scared of him!!" " no..............." The male moved his eyes to the side blushing slowly while she giggled smiling placing the chopsticks down having her index finger rub his head. The male closed his eyes liking how this was going.


Madara peeked from his small house eyeing the cat looking up at him from the floor. Sweat fell down his forehead ' Tch....' He looked at the time ' 12:30......' He hide back inside shutting the door close ' I have to get out of here....but I still can't grow.' He glared a bit ' I need to eat more.....' He looked at the Inari on the small table ' hehe...' He smirked ' was suppose to last me a whole day but......' He walked quickly.


_(n)_ smiled reading a book as she walked home. She stopped seeing a clothing stop with cute little outfits "............."

The young woman calmly walked inside her home smiling happily with hearts coming out. She passed by the many told and one with a naked hot man torturing her cat.


She turned quickly walking back freezing with redden cheeks " WHO ARE YOU !!!!" She yelled getting her cell phone out dialing911.

The porcupine haired man turned slowly with a bored expression making her freeze yet again.

"Mamamamamamamamama "


He blinked confuse " what....." He placed a hand on his hip raising an eyebrow as she nosebleed looking more down. Lower down.


_(n)_ cleared her throat smiling " so..... How come your all....." She giggled looking to the side while he raised an eyebrow " uhm.....your nose ...again..." "......." She placed a handkerchief on her nose " okay. Few. Now explain." " okay..well the Uchiha ..can be this tall......but only if we eat a lot.." "Ohh and I gave..." "Mm you left me a plate of Inari...." " but why beat up my cat..." She glared while he glared back " he tried eating me twice." "......."

*silence field the room for a while*

The man blinked twice while he fixed the large shirt he was wearing. _(n)_ stared at him smiling " least he knows that he has to back down.." "Mm......." He looked at her calmly while she felt her cheeks burning slowly " can you turn small again." " I can't ." " eh...." " till the food leaves...." " much a. Day....." "Mm." ".....well......" "Hm?"



ψ(`∇')ψ is this called cliffhanging ?? Idk ....*flies away *

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