Moon and Winter

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_(n)_ smiled in her sleep as she moved around a bit. The bright light moon shined .
Madara blinked eyeing the thing. He looked back at the woman sleeping on the bed. The male slowly stood up jumping on top of the roof soon he jumped yet again getting the light bulb holder. He huffed a bit getting on top of  the holder soon he walked a bit moving the lid half way. He jumped clinging to the edge trembling as he sweated a bit. He huffed yet again putting his leg over it as he sat in it breathing hard. He blinked looking down seeing the table a bit down. He moved his gaze seeing the puffy mouse pad. Madara placed his hands on the edge tightly as his legs dangled down " one....two........" He quickly let go slamming on the pad.

Madara stood up smiling a bit as he walked quickly soon he climbed down the desk by the computer wires landing on his feet. He ran quickly towards her soon he climbed up the covers slowly breathing a bit hard from all the movement he had done.

_(n)_ twitched opening her eyes feeling some thing moving her cheek. The woman twitched looking to the side. Madara blinked looking at her " I'm hungry." He twitched stepping back feeling her sit up " uhm..." "What..." She blinked getting him with her hand as he sat on her palm. _(n)_ looked at him with wide eyes "why do you ..." " full moons make me look like this." The now albino male looked up at her. She blushed slowly seeing how adorable he appeared. Her thumb moved rubbing his head as he cat smiled while his third eye blinked a bit.


_(n)_ smiled watching the man eat a piece of cheesecake happily. Madara  numb a bit as he kept eating more. He closed his eyes feeling her finger rub on his head. "Mm?" " your so cute like this ~~" " eh...." He glared a bit confuse while she kept smiling down at him.

"How long will you stay like this ?"

"Mm I don't know.....maybe three days ..."

"So if you'll look like that?"


"Just asking !"

He eyed her suspiciously while she kept smiling.


Madara was sitting on the woman's head as she walked around the grocery store. He blinked seeing people looking at him amazed by his unique appearance. He looked down quickly having pink cheeks not use to being looked at still " are we done yet....." " nope we need to buy the tofu~~" " ah okay." He quickly answered as he looked down at her " can I be on the pocket....people are staring at me." " hehe sure ..." She smiled putting her hand up as he walked a bit sitting in it . The woman brought the little pet to her stomach letting him jump down to the coats big pocket.

---few minutes later----

Madara smiled closing his three eyes as he laid down in the warm pocket slowly sleeping from the winter weather. _(n)_ looked down at it smiling as she held bags on her hands ' man good thing being on vacation but I have five reports ....' She sigh a bit waiting for the buss. One of her eyes close a bit feeling the wind blowing more snow.

Madara twitched opening his eyes feeling a lot of movement. He opened the flap of the pocket seeing an unfamiliar place " eh..." " don't worry we are in a buss" _(n)_ smiled down at him while the albino male looked up at her " why..." " it's too cold to walk it home now , plus this will let us be there quickly " "ah......" He smiled a bit confuse still while she giggled patting his small head.


Madara jumped down her pocket to a warm bed as he slammed on the fluffy pillow. _(n)_ smiled looking at him while she removed her scarf soon the two layers of clothing she wore leaving her with a comfy-baggy long sleeve "  eh ? Are you in to the warm weather more ?" "Hmp."he moved his small head towards her with puff cheeks having her smile more enjoying his company.
She walked laying down calmly as she stared at her glow in the dark wall stars. Madara blinked rolling a bit laying next to her neck as he closed his eyes hugging it a bit.
_(n)_ eyed him for a bit as she chuckled quietly while the loud wind was heard. She calmly moved her arm having her index finger rub in his head making him snuggle on her. Sniffing was heard. The woman was anime crying as she smiled from his cuteness ' I love him !!!!!!!' She got the man making his eyes snap open. Madara looked at her glaring but closed his eyes as kisses where place don his face non stop " o-o-oy!!!!!!!" His face turned dark red as he tried pulling her away . She giggled happily rubbing his head on hers. The tiny thing huffed puffing his cheeks bashfully as he moved his eyes to the side letting the crazy woman keep doing that.

"Your annoying."

"And your cute ~~"

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