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_(n)_ sigh sitting under a tree. She looked to her shoulder seeing Madara sitting in it with a bored expression as he ate a tomato. The small thing turned towards her twitching. They blushed slowly as they looked straight at the pool.


Mito smiled walking as she waved happily, Hashirama was sitting on her head. For the first time in years the redhead had her long pretty straight red hair down. The _(h/c)_ haired woman smiled looking at her as she waved happily. Madara felt his eye twitch seeing the smirk on his friends face .


"You came really late ."

"The traffic ! And I didn't know what swimsuit to wear..."

Mito sweat dropped smiling while her friends just blinked. The redhead really did see the personality resemblance with Madara in her at times.

"So !"


"But I was he-"


Hashirama smiled nervously seeing Madaras glare as he crossed his arms. The two young women looked down at the pool then back at the two sitting bored on the floor.
Mito smiled getting a small pouch " I bet you didn't bring pumpkin " " mm.. He doesn't like using that..." " well he has to now ." She broke in half a dried pumpkin piece giving to them.

Hashirama quickly ate it happily while Madara stared at it glaring. He looked back at _(n)_ seeing how she was dressed with a white girly swimsuit "......" He slowly ate it looking side to side.


Two hot men were seen sitting between the two females. Madara crawled slowly sitting next to the _(h/c)_ haired woman as Hashirama sat next to the red head smiling." You two should go and hang out on the pool" Mito smiled fixing the pin holding her bangs to the side. " but Madara doesn't know how .." " mm I'll watch him!" Hashirama smiled happily while Madara glared blushing.

_(n)_ blinked watching a protesting porcupine being drag off by a happy wombat. Mito sigh " yare yare ! " she stretched cracking her back " it's fun seeing him interacting with others ." "Mm..." _(n)_ smiled watching Madara trying to climb out the pools edge crying as a laughing Hashirama kept pulling him down again.

"I'm going to go and buy tea...do you want one ...?"

"Sure !! Let me get my wa-"

"Mm I'll buy it don't worry.."

Mito sweat dropped yet again watching her friend walk off leaving her to babysit the two men on the pool.


_(n)_ walked calmly holding two bottled teas as she sigh " I hate the pool......" She glared irritated feeling the sun as her gaze stayed down.

"Ne !! I'll be back!!"

"Careful idiot...."

*smack *

_(n)_ slammed on the floor gasping making Madara turned quickly having his 'Wifu in danger ' instinct activate. He got out the water leaving a confuse Hashirama while Mito looked quickly.

"Ow ow ow ..."


The woman sat up freezing seeing an extremely curvy figure across from her. Said figures long black hair moved showing its pale back making her sweat nervously not seeing a top ' crap!!! Did her top fall off !??' _(n)_ looked around frantically" don't get up! Your half naked !" "Eh!!!!" She froze hearing a manly voice. Her face looked straight seeing the figure turned seeing a male. A luscious lip and extremely attractive male.

_(n)_ staid frozen while he blinked seeing his shorts still in tack " Nani!!?" He glared confuse not getting what she stated before .

"_(n)_....are you alright ." Madara kneeled down helping her but gasped loudly letting her go making the woman slam on the floor yet again."ow......"



The man smiled happily hugging the buff-ish male as he hugged him back tightly. _(n)_ looked up seeing what they where doing over her "......."she blinked looking straight making eye contact with red eyes "eh....."

Tobirama blinked watching them but twitched seeing Izuna pointing at him happily talking while Madara turned with a death gaze .


"So the owner of this place bought you two ..?" Mito blinked twice while Tobirama nodded along with Izuna. Hashirama was seen clinging to his baby brother happily as the albino sigh blushing. " that's great!! Weird how you two met your brothers !" "Mm..." "Hehe !"
Madara blinked twice watching them as he looked at his brother seeing his long black hair covering his chest " you look like a woman" Izuna blinked turning to him "..am I a pretty woman~~~" he smiled while Madara smirked nodding "mm" "hehehe!!" Izuna had his hands on his pink cheeks as he kept giggling.

_(n)_ felt her eye twitch looking at the two Uchiha '....are they flirting ..?????' She looked straight twitching still hearing them keep talking like that. Her cheeks puffed a bit seeing how attractive Izuna was , specially since he was a guy.


" don't move "

"It hurts...."

"That's why I kept telling you to put sun block...."


Madara glared twitching as the woman rubbed aloe on the sun burn. She smiled a bit seeing him looking at a photo " it's a good thing you two met again" "mm...." Madara blinked feeling something being taped on his back " what are you..." " this will keep it in place and it'll heal better..." _(n)_ sat next to him as the male sat up crossing his legs on the bed. He looked at her " you ...should dress like today more " "what..." "N-Nothing...." She blinked but smiled seeing him blushing a bit.

"Are you turning in to a pervert~~~"

"U-Urusai!!! I'm not like you !!"

The woman laughed seeing his bashful expression as his cheeks turned red.


TobiIzu shall live in this story as well!!
(ノ∀ ̄〃) I need more Madara in a swimsuit in my life !! (ノ▽〃) *hides under her rock*

Pocket Pet (Uchiha Madara )( Discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ