The List

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Robyn Washington

I walked into my house silently , hoping my dad went to sleep or something , but he's standing right in front of the door waiting for me .

"Robyn! Where the hell have you been!?" My father yelled .

"Um, I spent the night over Kimora's house" I said in a innocent voice trying to make my lie sound believable as possible . He looked me in the eye for a moment , that's his way of figuring out if I was telling the truth or not .

"Alright Robyn , but next time you better inform me that your going somewhere , you understand young lady? " he said in a stern voice .

"Yes Daddy" I say innocently .

I rolled my eyes behind his back and walked upstairs to my room . Why does he treat me like such a child ?, I'm 16 now . Why can't he understand ?I'm not a little girl anymore . I'm becoming a women and I want him to treat me like one god Dammit ! . My father hasn't been the same since my mother was murdered , Now he's all protective of me . I understand his concern , but the nigga needs to take a step back and let me breathe .

I throw myself onto the bed . I am exhausted , my body aches and My vagina was sore . Chris . I snarled .

Why the fuck is he still on my mind!!????

I got up and walked into my bathroom . I ran me some warm bath water and poured my strawberry scented bubble powder in my tub , making it nice and full with pink bubbles . I undressed myself and Stepped into the tub . I sat down and made myself comfortable . Letting the bubbles soothe my aching body .

I grabbed the remote and turned on my bathroom TV , yes I have a TV in my bathroom , I spend most of my time in my tub so why not ?.

Any who , the news was on . I turned the TV volume up and payed close attention. My Daddy is a cop , and he always tells me that i should really pay attention to the news so I can know what's going on in the world .

"Breaking News , 5 police officers have been injured last night by non other than the Wanted CerealKiller in almost all 50 states , Jaden Christopher Syre Smith ."

Then they put up a picture of a teenage boy with a long puffy Afro that covered up most of his face . Hmmmmmm , he looks really familiar I thought to myself .

"3 of the police Officers are dead , and the other 2 are in serious condition at the Brooklyn New York hospital . Police are still on the lookout for the gruesome Murder , Jaden Smith . He is known as a master of disguise and he is indeed very dangerous . If you have seen or have any information on Jaden Smith please call the number below or tell the authorities . This is your news reporter Jane , back to you Tom"

I turned off the TV and wrapped my robe around my body .

I changed into my night clothes and walked down the stairs to the living room .

My father was sitting in front of the couch , his eyes were red and puffy . I came and sat down next to him .

"Daddy ......... Are you alright ?" I asked In concern .

"That Bastard" he gritted his teeth in anger , staring off into space.

"Who are you talking about Daddy?" I asked .

"Jaden Christopher Syre Smith , He killed , He killed my friend John" Dad Put his face in his hands and cried .

I gasped "Are you serious??" I asked in concern .

He nodded his head .

My dad's friend John , was a close friend of my Dad's . He was a cop just like my Dad and my father's best friend . He was like an uncle to me .

I guess he was one of the cops that were killed on the news .

"I can't wait till that Evil son of a bitch is thrown in prison where he belongs , and I hope they throw away the key" he snarled

As I went to sleep that night, I couldn't stop thinking about that Chris boy . He was stuck in my head . I pulled out my phone and looked through my contacts . "Chris" and it had Chris' number . Should I text him?

Jaden Smith

I was in my hotel room watching the news . They were talking about me killing them 5 cops. I smirked , nice job J .I say to myself .

I have to go pick someone up , my little sister Willow . Yeah , she's on 13 years old but she helps me kill . Many dont know but She helped me kill my father as well .

My phone buzzed . A text from Willow

"Aye , J you on yo way yet bro ?"

"Yup . Can't wait till we reunite and kill a couple of niggas" I reply

"iight bro , hurry up I can't wait to kill somebody"

I smirk and get dressed . Killing is what I do , it's apart of me . I can't stop . I have to kill everybody who did me wrong in my life . I have a whole list of people . I pull it out and read it again











I crossed out Will , my father's name because I killed him already . These 10 people on this list have made my life hell . And as you continue to read this story you'll find out how , and why Im going to murder each and everyone of them . I will kill and kill who ever stands in my way of making sure I kill these people on this list .

Next To kill , my brother Trey .

I Put on my black leather gloves , my combat boots , My black leather jacket , my black shades , and I packed my large black book bag with All of my guns all 12 of them loaded .

All Set .

That's when my phone buzzed .

It was that girl I fucked last night . O , what's her name ? . O yeah , Robyn .

I looked at the text

"Can we meet up and talk soon? Please"

I stared at the text for a moment . Usually when i'd fuck a girl for one night we would both go our separate ways the next day . Cause I don't believe in all that Romance shit But this girl was different . I don't have time for her at this moment . But her pussy was real good tho . Maybe she wants to meet up so we can fuck again ;) , who knows ?

"I'll think about it" I type and send .

I walked outta my hotel room and hopped into the back seat of a Taxi .

"Where to?" The driver of the Taxi asked

"To The airport , I got business to take care of" I say bluntly .

Killing is my business .



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