If loving you is wrong , i dont wanna be right

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[Robyn's P.O.V]

Jaden woke me up when the flight landed . We got off the flight , and took a cab to the hotel we'd be staying in , in Atlanta .

First we unpacked all of our stuff at the hotel , then we took a cab to Zonnique's house at about 3 am . Just to make sure everyone who might be at her house would be sleep .

We climbed in through her window and just like J suspected ,she was sleep .

Jaden stood over her sleeping body , and pulled out his knife . He whispered for me to hide in her closet so she wouldn't see me . As I walked over to her closet , I tripped over one of her heels that were laying randomly on the floor , causing me to fall to the ground with a loud ass "thud" . This caused Zonnique to wake right up , her body jerking up outta bed . As soon as she saw me and Jaden with ski mask on she was about ready to scream in fear . But before she could , Jaden took his gloved hand and quickly smothered it over her mouth . She was crying now , and shaking in fear . I kinda felt bad for her , because I knew we was about to kill her and there was no way she could escape .

Jaden noticed her shivering in fear and chuckled . He slowly took off his ski mask , revealing his face . Remember me Zonnique? . She gasped . "Jaden?" . "To this day , I don't appreciate how you did me Zonnique . I actually liked yo goldigging ass ! , and you chose to play me . " He snarled . "Look J , I'm I'm , sorry ....... I'll do anything just please don't hurt me " she sobbed .

"No , it's too late for that Zonnique" He chuckled as he stroked her blue hair .

"Now it's time for me to get my revenge-" but she cut him off , before he could slit her throat with his knife she kneed him in his balls , making him fall to the floor in pain .

"Shoot her before she gets away Robyn!" He yelled at me .

I pulled out my gun and shot at her , but she ducked so I missed . "Dumb Bitch" she laughed .

Did she just call me a.....? . O hell no , one thing I hate is being called outta my name .

Next thing I knew , I went into full karate mode . Yes , I know karate , I have a Black belt ever since last year .

Me and Zonnique started fighting , I kicked her in her stomach , causing blood to fly out her mouth. I looked over at J , and he was still on the floor holding his stuff.

"Bitch" she snarled as she spat out blood at me .

I grabbed her by her hair and punched her in her face and then flipped her on her back . I pulled out my gun , and shot her right in her stomach 4 times . Her body laid still and motionless on the ground . She was Dead .

I helped J up , "Good Job" he groaned in pain from getting kneed in his groin .

I laughed .

We cleaned up all of the blood , but Zonnique's body was still on the ground . We were still thinking on how we were gonna get rid of it , when a pink headed girl walked in . "Zonnique what was all that noise up in hur , I'm tryna sleep and you making all this damn noise-" She gasped when she saw Zonnique's bloody body on the floor . "Jaden?" She gasped "did you do this?" . Before she could scream J shot her right in her forehead .

"I'm glad both of them bitches dead" he chuckled .

"What did she do to you?" I pointed to The girl with the pink hair's body

"She was just another one of my bully's , who I despised" he sighed.

We loaded Zonnique& Bahja's body into the trunk of Jaden's rented car . We were holding hands in the car , as we drove to the woods . Jaden jumped out the car , dumped both girl's bodies into the river and then hopped back in .

We went back to holding hands . In the sky , we could see the sun rising .

"You did a job well done my lady " he stroked my hand .

"Thankyou my love" i responded .

He pulled out his list , and I watched him scratch "Bahja" & "Zonniuqe" off the list , for he already killed them .

"7 down, 4 more to go" He said.

We held hands and wrapped are fingers together .

We are partners in crime and I am loving it .

If being inlove with a Bad Boy is wrong , shidddddd , I don't want to be right then .



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