Got Away

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[Jaden's P.O.V]

When we landed I got us a taxi to take us to our hotel we'd be staying at . When we got into our hotel room I unpacked with Robyn . After she finished unpacking , she sat down on her bed and started fiddling with her fingers nervously .

"Robyn is there something wrong?" I asked in concern .

"Um no . It's just that Im just a little worried about my father" she mumbled .

"Why?, did something happen?" I asked in a serious tone .

"No . Nothing happen I'm just a little worried right now that's it . I'm fine" she mumbled .

I could tell she was lying . I could hear it in her voice .

"Robyn you don't have to lie to me . You can talk to me" I say .

She took a deep breathe and looked me in the eye . "Well , my father sent me a text ." She handed me her iPhone . I read the text .

"You Think you can just run away like that Robyn ? . Did you forget I'm a cop ? . I can track you down very quickly . And you better believe that I Will Find You Robyn . "

She was on her bed shaking with fear and crying .

"Don't worry Robyn , if that bastard even tries to come near you I swear to god i'll blow his head off" I snarl .

"Thanks Chris" she smiled .

"There's nothing to be worried about when your with me " I say

She got up and hugged me .

"What was that for?" I smiled

"For letting me stay with you silly .i don't ever know how i'll be able to repay you for this . Your amazing" she smiled .

"I know " I smirk .

She playfully punched me in my shoulder .

We shared a laugh . Her smile was so beautiful .

"Look Robyn , i'll be back later . I got some business i need to take care of . I'll bring back you some food Kay?" I say

"Okay" she smiled.

I grabbed my Bookbag full of my weapons,gloves , and other materials . I put on my black shades , and my layers of black clothing to make sure I was in a good disguise .

And walked out the door

Killing Time

Beware Craig .

I'm coming .


I already knew where Craig lived . Don't ask me how , I do my research . I hopped the fence of his front yard and snuck to the back of his home . I climbed in through the window . I crouched down and cocked my shot gun , making sure it was loaded with bullets .I noticed that I was in someone's bed room now. I looked around the room and saw toys , and a crib .It was a child's room . I looked in the crib and I saw a baby . About 7 months old it was a boy and It resembled Craig alot . So It must be his child . The kid was actually kinda cute to me , but I'll kill this child in a second you better believe it , just because this is Craig's child . The child started giggling and kicking his legs one he saw me . He stretched his arms out for me , meaning he wanted me to pick him up . And that's exactly what I did . I picked the child up holding him against my left arm with my gun in my right arm ,and that's when someone walked In .

"What the hell are you doing!?" I heard someone yell behind me .

I quickly turned around and that's when I saw Craig standing right there . He had gotten taller and stronger looking since the last time i'd seen him .

"Jaden?" He asked in shock.

I chuckled .

"Well well well , if it isn't Craig . You Kicked me outta my own gang , cheated me outta my own money , and then you jumped me . Don't cha remember that Craig?" I smirked .

He gave me and evil glare , then he pulled out his Pistol from under his shirt .

I laughed at him . For I was not scared of him one bit . I quickly put the barrel of my shot gun against the baby's head .

"Don't move unless you want me to blow your son's head off" I snarled letting him now I was dead ass serious .

Craig's face immediately flourished with fear and shock .

"No man , please .not my son . Please don't hurt my son . Kill me , just leave my son alone man he's just a baby . I promise , I'll do whatever you want" he got on his knees crying and begging .

I laughed In his face .

Does he think I'm gonna let him off that easy? . Hell no .

"Nigga do you know what you put me through after y'all kicked me outta the gang ? . I was bullied by y'all . Teased by y'all .And y'all beat me up everyday after school . Y'all tortured me . Now your going to feel my pain Craig" I snarled as i pressed the barrel of the gun up to the baby's forehead .

"No Please ! , stop!" He yelled in panic .

He cocked his pistol and shot right at me . My killer instincts or my "get the fuck out the way" alarm as I like to call it , told me to duck . I ducked , dogging the bullet that Craig had shot at me . I put the baby down in his Crib and began shooting at Craig . We shot at each other but we kept on missing each other . It was like a gun war . Craig shot and he got me right in my leg . I stumbled to the ground howling in pain . I'm used to getting shot tho , it's not my first time .

Craig quickly grabbed his child and hopped out his window ,jumped into his car and sped off . To god knows where .

Fuck ! He got away . This is the very first time any of my targets have got away . And I'm pissed about it .

I fell back down on the ground gritting me teeth at the pain of the bullet in my leg.



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