Christopher Johnson or Jaden Smith?

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iight back to the story


[Jaden's P.O.V]

I was in my car parked in front of Robyn's house , waiting for her . Well , it's not my car , I stole it . I know you think I'm a bad person , but ........ Nah never mind I still don't give a fuck what you think :) .

That's when I saw Robyn walking towards the car . My mouth hung open in awe at her appearance . She looked Amazing .

I got out the car , and opened up the passenger door for her and let her get in .

"Wow you look ..... Beautiful" I almost choked on my words . Believe it or not I've never said this to a girl before except for Chardenae . I don't call girls beautiful , I usually only say "sexy" .

"You look good too , really good" she looked at me with lust . I winked at her and she blushed .

" I never got your full name , Chris" she asked .

"O , um .... Christopher Johnson " I lied .

"Nice name" she giggled .

"Wow this is a nice car , this is yours?" She asked while studying the car .

"Um .. Yeah . I got it for my 16th birthday" I lied .

"O , cool . I WISH my dad would buy me a car" she said in a low tone .

I started up the car and drove to our destination .

"So , um where are we going?" She asked curiously .

"Nope , I'm not telling you ,remember? " I say .

"Dang" she pouted . "Can you Atleast give me a hint?" She asked .

"Nope" I said in a bland tone .

After about an hour of driving , I parked the car ,we got outta the car and starting walking in the dark forest . I could see by Robyn's face that she was completely freaked out .

"Um Chris , where are we?" She asked in fear .

"I'm not telling you , that was our deal remember ?" I say .

That's when we heard a wolf or somtin howl in the distance as we walked farther into the woods .

"Chris , I don't think this is safe" she whispered .

"You scared baby?" I asked .

She blushed when I said baby .

"Erm , No" she replied .

I chuckled "you scared aren't you . Don't worry . There's no need to be scared while your with me . I'll protect you" I say .

"Thanks Chris" she smiled .

While we were walking deeper into the woods , we started having a conversation .

"Hey , have you heard about that wanted Killer . Erm ..... What's his name?...." She snapped her fingers while thinking and tapping her foot . "O yeah I know , His name was um..... Jaden Smith" She nodded .

I immediately became uncomfortable .

"Have you heard of him?" She asked .

I kept my eyes away from her's for a moment . My throat was dry all of a sudden .

"Yeah , I heard of him" I replied

"They really need to put that Criminal in jail where he belongs ya know? . They say he's really dangerous . " she said .

"Yea I know , he's all over the news isn't he?" I replied .

"Yup ,and what irritates the hell outta me is the pictures they use to catch him . The boy has a big Afro covering his whole face ! . How the fuck are we supposed to know what he looks like if we can't see his fucking face?" she snapped .

I didn't say anything .... Just kept my eyes on the ground while walking.

"Do you know what I hate?" She asked .

"What?" I replied .

"I hate people who don't have a heart or don't think about their actions . That's why I want them to catch that Jaden Smith dude so bad . He deserves to be in prison so he can rot in hell . You see , my mother was murdered . And I hate people who think they can just kill someone or hurt someone and not think about how it will affect someone else in their life someday . I hope they Find that son of a bitch and put him in prison. Because people like him , probably don't even have a heart" she snarled referring to Jaden Smith , well , ME .

I was speechless . She hates me , wait let me rephrase that , she hates Jaden .

"I'm sorry for your mother. " I say .

[A/N(author note)

Just to make this clear , Jaden didn't kill her mother so don't get confused . Okay back to the story ]

"It's okay , I still miss her tho." She says

"Aye ,about what you said..." I start to say

"What about it?" She asked .

"About when you said criminals like that Jaden Smith dude don't have a heart " I say .

"What about it?" She asked .

"Maybe he does have a heart , maybe he's just been through alot of stuff in his life . Stuff that he can't handle . Maybe people just judge him for the things he's done and not who he really is . Maybe he does have a heart , maybe his heart just needs so work . He might need love , or feel like he's never had any in his life . Maybe he's tired of people doing him wrong in life . Maybe that's why he kills ." I say while staring at the moon in the dark sky .

"Wow Chris , I um.......... Never thought of it like that" She stared at me in awe .

We looked at each other for a moment .

I grabbed by her waist and kissed her soft lips . Swirling my tongue around her mouth , tasting her cheery Chapstick .

I pulled away and looked into her eyes .

She was blushing mad hard . I laughed and grabbed her hand and started walking again .

"Come on where almost there" I say and pull her deeper into the woods with me .

I'm a little worried tho . What's she gonna think of me when she finds out who i really am ?

I can't have her falling for me .

After all , I am A Criminal .

A killer .

I hope she's not falling for me .

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