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A/N (author note)if you didn't know already

Anyway I changed Jaden's list guys, so now it's












Okay Back To The Story


Jaden Smith

I was on the plane first class of course , I don't do that poor shit cause Im stupid Rich .

Most people on the plane were sleep but not me . I was staring out the window looking at how high we were up . What I was really doing was planning in my brain how I was going to kill Trey .

Trey , what did Trey do to me? You might ask . Well let me tell you.

When I was a little boy , my parents would leave me at home with Trey since he was 15 and I was 7. Little did my parents know, Trey smoked weed frequently . And when Trey was high he would torture me and Willow. One night I remember Trey was going crazy . He didn't have enough money for his expensive weed and drugs . He was willing to do anything to get his stuff . Willow was only 5 at the time . Me and Willow were in the living room watching cartoons and eating cereal . Trey had called over his Drug dealer Marcus , and begged him for some weed and drugs for free . But Marcus refused to give Trey anything without Getting his money . That's when Trey started saying that he would give Marcus anything for a little bit of weed and some drugs . They started whispering to each other as they started staring at me and willow .

"Deal" Trey agreed .

That's when Marcus handed Trey a bag full of weed and some ecstasy pills .

Marcus walked towards us in the living room .

Marcus told me and Willow to follow him because he said he has some candy for us . We happily jumped up an followed Marcus who led us into Trey's room.

Willow was so young, only 4 at the time .

He gave me a lollipop and told me to go sit in the corner , then he closed the door .

"Where's MY lollipop ?" 4 year old Willow asked as she sucked on her thumb .

"You can have yours when we're done" Marcus replied .

Willow scrunched her eyebrows showing that she was confused .

That's when He started kissing willow on her cheek . She giggled at first because Willow loves when our parents kiss and hug her .

But then he started kissing her lips and pulling off her clothes slowly . Willow tensed up and was confused . Because she was only 4 years old she didn't understand what was happening , she didn't understand that she was being sexually molested .

He started touching her places that a 4 year old little girl should never be touched .

I watched in the corner confused as Marcus sexually molested my little sister . I was only 7 years old , only a first grader , so I was confused too .

After he was done feeling on Willow , he helped her back into her clothes .

"This Is our little secret Willow" he whispered into her ear .

"Okay" she stuttered and sucked on her thumb . He smiled and gave her a lollipop and told her that she could go back into the living room and continue watching Cartoons .

Willow left the room . Now it was just me And Marcus in the room together , alone .

"Come here Jaden" he said .

I walked over to him .

He ran his fingers through my puffy Afro .

I was confused as he pulled off my pants and my Underwear . And started Raping me . Forcing His penis into my But hole . I screamed and cried because it hurt so badly . When he finally stopped my eyes were puffy and red from crying .

"Our little Secret Jaden" he smiled and ran his finger's through my hair.

"Okay" I mumbled .

He gave me a Jolly rancher and I walked out the room . Not knowing that I was just raped .


Every day since me and Willow were little , we've had bad dreams every night about Marcus touching us . It was horrible . It's horrible that our own brother Trey , would Let someone sexually molest us for some weed .

That's why me and Willow want revenge . Revenge on Trey and Marcus . We are going to kill them together .

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