Killing Solo

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[Jaden's P.O.V]

I felt So much Regret. I should've never said that to her , I don't know what got in to me . She just made me so angry...... And I do and say things I don't mean all of the time when I'm angry .

I felt so bad that I was laying on the bed with my head in my hands . Not just anyone's bed . Char's bed . Don't get it wrong , we was just talking .

"I feel so bad , I should've never said that to her" I groaned .

"You shouldn't let that bitch stress you out like that J" she sighed .

She walked over to where I was laying on her bed and started massaging my back .

I moaned "that feels good Char"

"Mmhhhmm " she responded while rubbing on my tendons .

"You know J, she doesn't love you like I love you" she said as she massaged softly over my back .

"What are you trying to say Char?" I asked while getting up and facing her .

That's when she grabbed my face and French kissed me . This caught me off guard . Her lips tasted like sweet strawberries with chocolate . I couldn't help but kiss back . As we kissed passionately, she felt my abs underneath my shirt . I quickly took off my shirt as she took off her shirt revealing her perky breast in her black lace bra , and took off her shorts revealing her nice round bum . I couldn't help but stare . She had me in her trance , I couldn't help it . I had to have her . She pushed me on the bed and crawled on top of me .

[Robyn's P.O.V]

As I walked all the way back to Char's house I was thinking .

Thinking about me and Jaden's future

Our Child

We can work this out . I repeated in my head over and over again .

Me Jaden and our child can be a family .

We can do this . We'll be fine.

I try to believe everything I was telling myself . But it's hard ya know .

Think about it .I am 16 years old , Pregnant by a killer wanted in the United States . What time do we have to raise a child!? .

But I believe in us . I believe in Jaden . I trust him , I love him , I believe he will never hurt me .

We can work this out . It will all be fine .

As I walked up the stairs to me and Jaden's room . I began thinking again . I imagined Jaden being happy about our Child , him hugging me , and running me a warm bubble bath when Im tired like he always does . And that's why I love him . He's so sweet and romantic . I just know he will make the perfect father .

We just need to have a heart to heart conversation about all of this , and It will all be fine .

When I opened the door to our room , surprisingly he wasn't their .

I decided to go to Char's room and ask her if she knew where he was . I scoffed , I bet she does .

When I opened the door to her room , my heart dropped at what I saw .

She was on top of Jaden , riding him .

Jaden quickly pushed her off of him .

Tears were running down my face .

"Robyn baby I can explain !" He quickly put his pants on and rushed over to me .

Before he could say or do anything , I ran over to Chardenae and began whooping her ass . Punching her in the face repeatedly , and stomping her in her stomach with my Tims on . The whole time the hoe was trying to cover up her breast . When Jaden finally managed to pull me off of her I was still pumped . Kicking and flailing my arms as he carried me out the room .

"Robyn calm down!" He yelled

I slapped him across his with everything in me . He quickly shutup and held his cheek in pain .

I looked at him with tears of hurt in my eyes .

"Robyn I -" I cut him off

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled at him . "I hate you Jaden Smith! . I don't ever want to see you again . I was dumb enough to run away with some one like you , and even dumber to get pregnant by you! " .

He gasped .

"Pr ......Pr .....Pregnant ?" He stuttered .

"You don't even have to worry about it ! , because you will not be in my child's life! . I don't want you in it !" I yelled at him .

He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug . The whole time I struggled to get out of his embrace but he was too strong . He cried into my shoulder

"Please Robyn , baby I love you . I want to be in my child's life . I want to be with you . I just made a mistake , can you please forgive me?" Now he was on his knees , his arms wrapped around my legs .

"Jaden...." I sniffed

"Please Robyn don't leave me" he cried .

I had never seen him cry , not once In our whole relationship . Never .

" Goodbye Jaden . You and Char have fun" I snarled and slammed the door behind me.

I don't need Jaden , I don't need nobody .

And I'm going to kill Roc , Ray , and Prince all by myself . Even if I'm pregnant , I still want my revenge .


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Poor Robyn😞

So now Robyn is going to go kill by herself . What do y'all think about that?

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