"Lets Take A Break" - Calum Hood

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Tears welled in your eyes, threatening to spill any minute. Calum was yelling at you.
"You told me you had plans last night!" He shouted. You choked back the tears.
"I did! They were with him!" You croaked.
"Well you conveniently left that part out."
"I didn't think it was important! If I had been going out with [Y/GBF/N]  you wouldn't have expected me to tell you!"
"That's... Different." Calum's voice suddenly got eerily calm.
"How is it? Just because I went with a guy, that's why you're pissed?"
"He's your ex boyfriend! And can't you tell he's still in love with you?"
"He's not! You're just being jealous."
"Whatever, [Y/N]." He huffed, turning away from you. You wiped your tears and waited for him to speak again.
"I... I think we should take a break, [Y/N]. This isn't working." He whispered. His voice was almost inaudible, but it felt like he was screaming the words at you. His voice seemed to echo around you and before you knew it you were crying again.
"W-what?" You stammered.
"I'm sorry, [Y/N]." He said, turning around and leaving. You stood in the middle of your apartment for a few minutes, not really knowing what to do. You fell to your knees and cried for a while, tugging at your hair and yelling angrily. How could he do this to you? You hadn't even done anything wrong.  You really did love him, so this was hurting. It felt like your heart had been ripped from your chest. Somehow you managed to stumble through into your room and collapse on your bed - hopefully sleep would help cure you.

--four days later--

"You go glen coco." You mumbled along with the TV. With the exception of going for coffee with your best friend, [Y/BF/N], you had been in bed watching mean girls and eating ice cream for nearly four days. [Y/BF/N] had strictly told you not to answer any calls from Calum and not to call him. It was killing you. However, you were currently having an 'angry' phase, so if you spoke to him you would probably yell at him, which wouldn't be great.
Calum had tried to call you 27 times in the past four days and had texted you about 58 times. According to his messages he was sorry, but you weren't sure whether to believe him or not. You wanted to, you really really wanted to, but a part of you was convinced that he had decided to put you guys on a break because he wanted out of the relationship for good.
Twitter was going crazy. Apparently today Calum had left his place looking like utter shit and looked like he was about to cry in an interview the band did. You knew you shouldn't, but you were curious. You had to watch the interview.

"So, guys, how are your love lives?" The interviewer asked the boys. Luke, Michael and Ashton all turned to Calum with worried looks on their faces. He looked like a mess.
"They're... Alright." Ashton answered for the band, "we don't have much time for romance."
Conventional answer.
"What about Calum and [Y/N]? Last time I checked they were MTV's cutest couple?" The interviewer looked to Calum for an answer.
"We... We-uh..." He mumbled, gazing down at his hands. They were shaking like mad, but he was doing his best to conceal it. Just watching this made you feel terrible. You couldn't stand him feeling this way. You switched the interview off and dialled your voicemail. There were four new messages from Calum.

"[Y/N] I... This was a mistake, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up at you like that. Please answer the phone. We need to talk."

"Please pick up [Y/N], I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you, I was just being stupid and jealous. I shouldn't have said we should go on a break, I've barely been able to handle the past day without you. [Y/N], I love you, please."

"I can't have lost you, you're the only thing that matters to me. Fuck, this isn't happening. Why was I such an dick to you?"
Calum's drunken voice slurred. This was breaking your heart into tiny pieces.
Just one more.

"[Y/N], please forgive me. I came to your house  to try and talk to you but you must've been out. You've gotta know that I'm sorry. I'm a mess without you, I don't function properly. And it's only been a few days. I love you so much, please take me back. I'm an idiot and I don't deserve it after what I've put you through but I need you, alright? I can't have fucked this up."

You blinked and tears fell down your cheeks. He really was sorry.
Before you knew it you were out of the house and on the way to his concert. He was only playing a small venue tonight, so you knew you could get to the front if you tried hard enough (and if you took fans Twitter names an promised that you'd get Calum to follow them later).
You realised you didn't have a ticket for the gig when you were outside. Shit. You looked around frantically, praying that someone would be selling them. Normally there was at least one person trying to sell a single ticket. Frantically you ran round the arena, searching for someone who needed to get rid of a ticket. Finally, you found someone and handed your money over quickly.

A few people recognised you as you attempted to get to the front of the crowd. 5sos were just about to start playing. You hurriedly promised people that you would make Calum follow them and put their usernames into your notes page. You had to do whatever it took to get to see Calum.
Suddenly everyone started cheering and screaming. They must be on stage. You couldn't see, you were too far back. You had to keep moving forward.

"I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted..." Calum sang. Tears sprang to your eyes. He had a beautiful voice.

"... 'Cause I'm not fine at all," Calum sung. You were almost at the front now.

"It's hard to hear your name when I haven't seen you in so long..."

You were in the front row, pressed uncomfortably against the stage. But you didn't care. Michael saw you before Calum did.

"Have you seen whose in the front row?" Michael mumbled to Calum. Calum's eyes instantly fell on you. His entire face lit up. That was how you knew how much he loved you. It was in his eyes.

As soon as the song was over he pulled you out of the audience and onto the stage. Everyone screamed manically.
"[Y/N] I'm so sor-"
You kissed him, cutting him off.
"I know you are. I love you."
He smiled and leaned his forehead on yours.
"I love you too."

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