chapter seven

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Louis pov

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP... urgh you can't believe how much I hate this noise! Last Day of school. Whoop whoop... Oh no school. I have to get up. WHAT ?! It can't be 8:16 am !!! I overslept! No. No. No. I don't know how I managed to get up that fast but it was definitely to fast. That may be the reason why I saw black for a short time. After I was back to my normal state I run to the closet and graped the first things I saw : black skinny jeans and a white v- neck shirt.
I fixed my hair the best i could in 2 minutes and brushed my theeth. After about 3 minutes I run downstairs and made me a bowl of ceral.

JAY: Louis love , what are you doing this early ?

I jumped at my mom because she really scared me.

LOUIS: Jesus! You scared me.
To answer your question its Friday I have to go to school. But I am already late because I overslept so I have to go in a few.

I finished my cereal and grapped my bag and were about to put on my toms and jeans jacket.

JAY: (laughs) Louis! Calm down. Its Saturday.

LOUIS: WHAT?! You are kidding, arent you ?

JAY: no i am not Honey. You should see your face. You look ridiculous.

LOUIS: mum. not. Funny. I woke up for nothing ?! I bet I won't be able to sleep again now... Damn it.

Why?! I hate my alarm clock. I should have made it off yesterday. What am I supposed to do now, since I cant sleep again ? Nahh I will just watch YouTube or call Zayn.

LOUIS: I will go upstairs then. Thank you for telling me mum.

JAY: allright Lou. Try to sleep again okay ?

LOUIS: yeah I will try.

JAY: oh and louis ?

What the hell?! What now ?!

LOUIS: what ?

JAY: you should Know that you are wearing your shirt the wrong way around. (Laughs)

LOUIS: oh. I hate this day!

I put my shirt the right way on and layed down on my bed. Before that I put on a movie and got my phone. I texted zayn, but he isn't responding. What's going on today ?!
After about 2 hours watching random movies I heard my phone beep.

Twitter: Harry Styles followed you.

No Fucking way! Harry Styles like in that Harry Styles i am doing my project With?!
Lord that cant be true. Ten thousands time I am reading this line and I still don't know why he should follow me ?! Otherwise I don't have something against it. Literally I sat 5 minutes there, just staring at my phone with a smile on my lips. Wait why am I even smiling about that? He hates me. But then again it doesn't make sense that he followed me... Maybe he likes me abit ? Oh man this guy is so confusing.

JAY: (comes into his room) hey Lou, could you plea... Why are you smiling so big ? Everything okay honey ? ( laughs about louis who can't stop smiling like an idiot)

LOUIS: what? Everything is his normal state. Yes . Everything is fine. At least I guess so ... (Rambles)

JAY: alright. Could you please go to a friend of mine later ? We are in the same cooking class and she needs the recept book I accidentally grapped hers. I have to work later so it would be amazing if you could bring it to her ?

LOUIS: okay. Just lay the book and the adress at the kitchen table.

JAY: (kisses louis on the cheek) Thank you so much! She said you could eat dinner with them since the girls are at friends and I am not at home. I will come at eight and get you.

LOUIS: hmm.

(Jay goes after saying goodbye and laying the book and adress at the table)

Fine, this day is getting better and better. *note the sarcasm* I have to go to a woman I dont even know and have to eat Dinner with them. Hopefully it won't be to awkward.

*at 6pm*

I will go in 5 minutes. Okay maybe in 10... Nah I will go in 15 minutes. Where did my mom put the book and adress? Ah right at the kitchen table. I grapped all I needed and unlocked the door. I pushed the car opener and drove to the adress my mom gave me.
Woah that's a massive house! Holy moly. The people may be really formal ... How am I going to introduce me ?? Oh lord what will happen when they dont like me ? Am I dressed to casual ? Oh god please help me. I used the door Bell and waited nervously.

ANNE: Hello, you must be Louis, right ?

LOUIS: yes, nice to meet you ...

ANNE: Anne, my Name is Anne. Nice to meet you Too and please come it. ( pulls him in a hug )
Please feel like Home.

LOUIS: thank you! By the way your house is beautiful.

ANNE: thanks, me and My family took really much efford in it. I am glad you like it Louis.

She is really nice. Wait, why was I here again ? Oh right the book.

LOUIS: here is your Book by the way. My mum gave it to me Because she accidentally grapped yours...

ANNE: I know. Thank you that you brought it here. Dinner will be ready in about 20 minutes. If you want to, you can go in the living room. My kids are there so you won't be alone.

LOUIS: thank you. ... Where is the living room ?

ANNE: Oh right I am sorry. I will show it to you.

Wow that house is so awesome !
I guess these two people sitting on the couch are her kids. I can't see their faces... But they have both similar hair. Brown, curly , just beautiful. I have the feeling i know them From somewhere... Weird.

ANNE: Gem, Harry say hello to our guest please.

What ? No way. That's my luck. seriously?!

GEMMA: ( hugs him) Hey I am Gemma. Who are you?

HARRY: Louis? (Confused)

ANNE: you two know eachother?

HARRY: yeah...

GEMMA: (playfully hits Harrys arm) Haz you never told me you have a good looking guy like him as a friend.

HARRY: we aren't really friends. We are doing a project together.

LOUIS: (wonders why he acts so diffrent, abit shy) about the project... Do you have something?

HARRY: nope. You ?

LOUIS: nope.

ANNE: Boys you have to write your feelings and experience that are important for you. If you are doing it together you should first of all get to know eachother better. I will prepare dinner now. Is sushi for you okay ?

GEMMA: I love sushi! Louis you should come more. Maybe we will get delicious food more often. (Laughs and leaves the room)

HARRY: I hate when you are right mum. And yes Sushi is okay with Boo and me.

ANNE: (laughs) I thought you aren't friends, why have you nicknames then ? Its still cute though.

HARRY: (awkwardly) we should go in my room... Come on Louis.


Chapter 7, what do you think ?

I am watching Heroes, its an amazing serie! You should watch it haha.

Anyways thanks for reading ! X

feelings can changeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora