Chapter twenty six

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Louis POV

Two weeks have passed since Jacob and Harry came out. Urgh I hate that they are together! Don't get me wrong i like seeing harry happy but just not with him... they just dont fit together okay? okay. Anyways anytime i saw them i felt a strange feeling build up in my stomach, jealousy ? nah why would i be jealous?
because you like him idiot.
of course i like him he is my best friend. Thanks for pointing out the obvious, brain.
you dont like him like that bruh.
oh really ? tell me how i like him than ?
you like like him.
you mean like really like like him? pff no way...
you do.
i dont!
oh you definitely do.
but he is beautiful, nice, handsome and has a perfect personality, hasnt he ?
yeah your right, but ...
no buts mr. you love him you just dont want to admit it.
oh shut up brain. What am i even doing i am talking to my fucking self.
you have to confess your feelings for yourself before you tell them someone else. its okay to be gay you know that right?
it is, but i dont want to be gay.. i am supposed to marry a woman and have kids how am i supposed to do that when i am with a man ?
gay marriage is legal and you can adopt kids.
but i dont like being gay.
why not you dont have something against Harry being gay.
yeah but he is not me. thats diffrent.
because... because... i dont fucking know!
louis being gay doesnt mean you are a different person. you have still the same personallity and the same look the only different is that you prefer boys before girls. Being gay doesnt change the people.
i know, its just hard to admit you know?
i know because i am you and i am telling you since 10 minutes that you have feelings for a special curly haired boy and you seem to still not really believe it
and what is when i do have feelings for him, what am i supposed to do?
you should go and ask him out.
he has a frikken boyfriend remember?
pff fuck his boyfriend you are his real boyfriend.
you dont even know if he likes me.
i feel it.
as if.
just risk it.

suddenly i heard my phone ringing so i picked it up without looking who called.
LOUIS: hello , Louis here. whos there ?
NIALL: seriously Lou?!
LOUIS: sorry nialler i wasnt looking whos calling.
NIALL: its okay. soooo whats up today?
LOUIS: nothing really. what about you?
NIALL: so you wont tell Harry you love him ?
LOUIS: w-w-ha-t-t????
NIALL: oh common lou its so obvious. i guess everyone in this damn univers can see that expect for you two love birds.
LOUIS: b-u-u-t .... but thats ... bullshit...
NIALL: oh then i definitely ship bullshit!
LOUIS: what?
NIALL: what?
LOUIS: what?
NIALL: what were we talking about? right you and harry. You should ask him out louis!
LOUIS: have you forgot he has a boyfriend ?
NIALL: boyfriend. HA. they are not really together.
NIALL: oops. calm down carrot.
NIALL: so you just adminted that you were jealous and you really like him. By the way dont you think its abit possesive to say "my Hazza" ? just saying.
LOUIS: urgh niall! what am i doing now ?
NIALL: go to his house and ask him out. Dont forget the flowers thats romantic boobear.
LOUIS: okay... i will give it a try.
as soon as we finished talking i took a shower, dried my hair and styled it afterwards.
Should i wear a suit or not? would it be to much? yeah.. maybe a black jeans and a blazer. yep thats it. A white v neck shirt underneath it and my black toms sum the outfit up and i am ready to go.

iam not sure how long i have to pretend to be with jacob. i cant handle this anymore, i mean he is nice but not like... like louis.
During break i told jacob we should have a little talk after school. So we "broke up". we decided to keep being friends and he even wish me good luck with louis. to be hones i kind of gave up on project larry, its never going to happen anyways.
The first thing i did when i came home was change into some comfortable clothes and eat something. Since i have no homework for the weekend and decided to watch a movie. In the middle of the movie i suddenly heard the door bell ringing. who might this be?

Never in my entire life i was so nervous. i found myself standing before his door, unsure if i should push the doorbell or not. So many thoughts were in my head and i could answer none of them. Just when i pressed the buttom something hit me: I forgot the flowers! shit! should i run away before he opens the door and get flowers ? or should i just stand here without flowers. wheres the romantic than? just in that moment the door was opened and i couldnt change the fact that i am going to tell harry my heart without flowers or chocolate. hopefully everythings is going to turn out good and it wont ruin everything!

i stood up and opend the door. What i saw suprised me. Louis was standing there looking nervous as hell and looking down unsure what to say. Just adorable.
HARRY: hey lou. didnt expect you.
Before i got an reply he smashed his lips against mine and started to roughly kiss me. Ou you cant believe how good this felt. as soon i came back to reality i kissed him back. Soon followed was his tongue exploring my mouth. Sadly we had to depart because i have literally no clue what on earth just happend.

HARRY: lou? what was that?
LOUIS: iamsorryishouldnthavedonethatbutniallsaidthatyouandjacobareinafakerelationshipsoithoughtmaybeihaveachance...
HARRY: calm down boo, everything is fine.
LOUIS: (looks down)
HARRY: look at me.

since louis isnt looking up i grapped his chin and we ended up just staring at eachother. i could get lost in those ocean blue eyes.

LOUIS: arent you going to say something?
HARRY: your right.
LOUIS: i am always right but with what this time?
HARRY: i dont like jacob like this and we actually broke up just today.
LOUIS: you did?
HARRY: yep wouldnt be fair to keep pretending it when i actually like someone else, someone who is funny and i would love to date, someone who is just perfect.
LOUIS: (sad) oh, who is it?
HARRY: someone i am doing a music project with and someone who stands right in front of me.
LOUIS: (looks up with a sparkle in his eyes) no fucking way.
HARRY: i really like you louis.
LOUIS: i really like you too haz.
A few seconds later we were kissing again and i loved every single second. It felt so good to be with him. We made out for a fee minutes and then we decided to cuddle and watch a movie but we werent really paying attention to the movie though. Talking and staring at him was just more interested. The pizza man cane around because we ordered one and we could finally eat something. The next time i looked at the clock it was a few minutes before midnight and i was lying in in my bed with louis resting his head on me and looking through the windows up to the sky.
HARRY: boo?
LOUIS: hmm?
HARRY: would you like to be my boyfriend?
HARRY: (laughs) psh lou, gem is sleeping.
LOUIS: i am sorry i am just so happy.

in that moment the clock peeped and we saw its 00:00 o'clock . We both started laughing and stopped when i softly kissed him.
LOUIS: so we have a midnight memorie now huh ?
HARRY: seems so.

They are finally together! whoop whoop. please leave a vote and maybe even a comment :)) xx

just one chapter left proably:(

love u all and thanks for reading!x

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