chapter thirteen

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{At lunch}

Harrys pov

After one fucking week he finally gave our friendship a try. I even have to admint that I may started thinking about him in ways I shouldnt. He has the most beautiful eyes a human could have and that hair is so soft oh and oh lord when he laughs he looks like the happiest person on earth. I want to be the reason he smiles... Sadly he never really laughed about my jokes or anything I did. Anyway after math we had lunch and we were about to grap some food when I saw a certain person sitting on a table so I just decided to go there and tell niall that he should bring me my food as well. I sat down next to Louis and started a conversation even he looked abit annoyed of me. Ahh who cares ?

HARRY: hello Louis. Is your food tasting good?

LOUIS: its school cafeteria food so what do you think ?

HARRY: true. Hm so since we are some kind of friends now do you like to hang out after school?

LOUIS: we aren't friends yet Harold. I just gave you a chance that could also mean that you will fail and we won't be friends.

HARRY: nope totally not. We will end up being friends I promise you.

LOUIS: believe what you want but please don't be hurt if it won't be like you want it to bem

HARRY: oh common if you would even care about me if I am hurt or not. (Rolls his eyes)

LOUIS: hmm.

HARRY: So its up i will come to yours later.

LOUIS: wait what when did I even agreed to that?

HARRY: I did that for you so I will be at yours at 7pm.

Before he could even answer I stood up and went to my usal table were niall were already waiting for me. When I arrived my food was already half empty because nialler that little ass already ate the other half. The whole day I was thinking about what I could were later. Nothing to dressed up, more Like something casual but looking good. I will just decide it later.
When I was about to shut my locker zayn run into me searching for someone.

HARRY: can I may help you ?

ZAYN: have you seen a good looking girl about our age with brown hair and glasses?

HARRY: nope sorry.

ZAYN: tell me if you do.

HARRY: okay dokey.

ZAYN: thank you mate.

Did he just called me mate? Oh I knew he would like me. *high fives his self*. I was going home and just when I opend the door I heard a girl scream:


Her boyfriend slammed the door and walked away. Or should I say ex boyfriend. Great I never really liked him. Hold on a minute... What the hell did she just said?!

GEMMA: Harreehh we broke up.
She pulled me in a hug.

HARRY: pshh gem. Everything will be fine.

GEMMA: you thinks so ?

HARRY: I know that.

GEMMA: okay ...

HARRY: gem?

GEMMA: yes?

HARRY: what the hell did you just called that Dick? (Laughs)

GEMMA: harry I had no time to think before and you know that I am as bad as you in being Rude and call other mean names! (Laughs as well)

HARRY: course would have said the same. But obviously I am way better then you In that.

GEMMA: I meeting up with Hannah. Bye hazza.

We said goodbye and I went upstairs to look what I am going to wear. I ended up with a simple black t shirt and black skinny jeans. I made my hair look good and grapped my stuff and headed over to louis. I had to walk a while because obviously Gemma used my car without asking. After a while walking i felt cold and I realized that I had definitely to less clothes on. I should have woren a hoodie. I arrived and pushed the door bell. After awhile Louis mum opend the door followed by two little girls dressed like fairys? Or princess with wings? I don't know.

HARRY: hallo Jay and fairys?

JAY: harry come in please you look cold. Why don't you wear warmer clothes?

HARRY: forgot about that. Haven't really thought that it would be so cold.

DAISY: harry we arent fairys we are us with wings.

JAY: I will make you a tea. Louis is upstairs I will bring you two tea in a few.

HARRY: Woah creative.(laughs) thank you very much jay.

I was walking upstairs and I was freezing abit.

LOUIS: harry?

HARRY: hey louis.

LOUIS: are you shivering ?

I hugged him to say hello just how friends are supposed to do. The hug maybe was more from me then from him but it was okay.

LOUIS: harold you are fucking freezing.

HARRY: no-o I a-m fin-e .

suddenly Louis walked away in a small room next to his and came out with a comfortable looking hoodie.

LOUIS: here you idiot wear that I don't want you to get sick. Its a little to big for me so It may fit you.

HARRY: thank you. So what are you up For ?

LOUIS: i dont Know Maybe watching movies?


LOUIS: I will choose the movie!

Louis run over to the shelf with the dvds and searched like a little cute child. He decide we should watch heroes and I agreed. His mum brought us our tea and we started watching movies sitting on his bed. After awhile I felt tired but couldn't find a comfortable position so i just laid my head on Louis shoulder and to be honest that was really comfortable. I wondered why he didint pulled away but I was to tired to think about that so I just fell asleep with the smell of louis in my nose which I really like.
The next morning when I woke up louis wasn't there anymore. Where is he ?! Did he Run away because I came to close to him ??? Please no. It All Started so well it cant be the Ending just now!
I can't lose at the first day we are actually hanging out...


Hope you like this story:)

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