chapter nineteen

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Nialls pov

Harry and louis didn't really talked to eachother and tried the best to ignore the other lad. What the hell happend between them ? I know that harry kinda likes him but I thought the same about louis and then he got that bitch called eleanor. He doesnt even love her... At least I think so, that would be the reason why he seems so sad and not even abit happy. Maybe because of her they are ignoring eachother ? I would understand harry. I hate that this little witch hangs out with louis 24/7 and steals the whole time we could hang out with him. I talked to harry alot but he never wanted to talk about louis what confused me pretty much because I thought they would be best buddy's for a while and harry loved to talk aboht louis. He definitely loves him. Oh my lord. Of course! Harry loves him but then there is Eleanor and louis breaks his heart. Poor haz. He Maybe needs someone to talk. Me. SUPERNIALL IS ON HIS WAY!


Harrys pov

After One day trying my best to avoid that little moron called Tomlinson and a lot of hiding and learning I finally arrived at home. My backbag flew on the couch and I put my shoes off. While I was making some food I heard the door bell ringing.Woah who the fuck is that?!
When I opend the door someone immediately pulled me In a hug and that someone was obviously a Irish lad named niall chonce horan. We call him that beacause he always says chonce instead of chance. Such an idiot isn't he ?

NIALL: baby cakes I am here for you!

HARRY: nialler what are you even doing here ?

NIALL: I know that you have a hard time because of Elounor and I thought you may need someone by your side.

HARRY: Elounor? Isn't her name eleanor ?

NIALL: babe I am not talking about her as a person. I am speaking of louis and Eleanor. Their shipname is Elounor. But I obviously don't ship it! I just said that to explain it to you better. Really ! Larry is my otp ! Not fucking Elounor..

HARRY: I get it niall.

NIALL: huh. So whats up? Wanna talk to me

HARRY: it just ...

NIALL: its just what ?

HARRY: Its just that I think I really like Louis. Maybe even love but I can't because he won't ever love me back and we talked and everything went wrong I walked away but he didn't even follwed me. That obviously means that I am not worth it for him.

NIALL: wait. Wait. Wait. When did you talked ? DiD you talked because i made a good plan?? I told you haz, I am the best.

HARRY: first: no it wasn't because of you. I walked to him and told him we had to talk so we ended up arguing in an empty class room and second: really niall ? That's the only thing you have to say to me when I tell you my problem?!

NIALL: sorry... Personally I thought it was important. I think you should see everything positive.

HARRY: what is positive about being heart broken and seeing the guy you love with another girl.

NIALL: if you say it like this, it sounds really negative but if they break up he can atleast write a song about her and you will have a song.

HARRY: oh I would love to hear break up songs. Specially when they are about eleanor. I would be okay if he would write a break up song about me but I won't ever break up with that gorgeous boy.

NIALL: okay dokey. Ay mate you know I told you you could tell me everything but I am having enough to be honest. Just look forward and maybe things will work out positive.

HARRY: thanks though niall.

We talked about this and that and at some time my mum came home with some Chinese noodles. Niall, my family and I ate dinner and we started to watch random movies till niall had to go.


Louis pov

After harry left I kept crying in the class room I didn't even bothered to go to the next lessons. I just sat there complaining about my slef and what I should do. Sadly nothing come in my mind. After 20 minutes zayn showed up and first I just cried in his arms and he didn't even asked me what happend. He was there for me and held me when I needed it and that's one of the reasons he is my best friend.

ZAYN: Lou, do you want to tell me ?

LOUIS: h-a-a-r-r-r-y.

ZAYN: what has he done ?

LOUIS: nothing...

ZAYN: why are you sad then? Louis tell me exactly what happend.

I told him everything and constantly repeated how much I hated me myself.

LOUIS: why do I have to be like this ?

ZAYN: stop saying that boo! You are amazing! Its okay that you made something wrong everyone does.

LOUIS: I lost him... He will hate me.

ZAYN: he won't hate you! Everything will turn out great you will see but you should figure everything out with Eleanor.

LOUIS: you are right. Do you think harry will forgive me ?

ZAYN: definitely. Maybe you should say sorry though.

LOUIS: I will!

ZAYN: that's great tommo! Always remeber everybody makes mistakes.

We just sat there in silence for a few minutes and then we started to walk home. All the way back I thought of how I could apologize to harry. First I really do have to figure out my feelings. The first thing I did when I came in my room I layed down on my bed and did nothing. When I opened my eyes again my eyes land on a note book laying on my night stand. Maybe I could write the song about harry ? Obviously not Eleanor anymore. Talking about Eleanor I have to talk to her. But I don't want to break her heart, how am I supposed to break up without hurting her? with those thaughts I felt asleep. And now I aM standing at my locker with Eleanor in my arms. A few days passed and I hasn't said sorry yet... I am scared and harry ignores me and that breaks my heart even more. Tomorrow I will apologize! I promise but first I have to talk to el and probably break up.


Thanks for reading ! Xx



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