chapter Ten

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{Monday morning }

Harrys pov

I hate Mondays. When I woke up i immediately smelled waffels from downstairs so I decided to go in the kitchen and see if I am right.

ANNE: good morning hazza. Do you want some waffles sweetheart?

HARRY: what's that even for question ?! Of course I do!

ANNE: any plans for today ? I mean its Halloween are you going to a party or anything ?

HARRY: nah dont think so. Maybe I will do something with niall or jessie. But Jessie will probably do something with her boyfriend so there is only niall left.

ANNE: alright. I have to go honey and you should start getting ready.

HARRY: hmm. Have a great day mum.

ANNE: thanks haz, you too.

After she kissed my cheek she went outside and drove away. I showered and put on some clothes. I grapped my keys and phone and drove to school . Just when I was about to open my locker someone sceared me from behind.


HARRY: nialler you idiot what's wrong with you?

NIALL: ay its Halloween mate we have to do something ! We should scare little kids (evil laugh, jokes around ) just kidding. But we really should hang out.

HARRY: sure I don't have any plans anyways. What were you thinking about ?

NIALL: I dont know maybe nandos ... (Smirks)

HARRY: no niall ! We won't go to nandos! We were there so often! We should try something new.

NIALL: no if I like what I eat why should I change it ?

HARRY: because you will get to know other things and maybe you will like them more.

NIALL: nothing is better then nandos.

HARRY: you can't know, you haven't tried anything else.

NIALL: psshhh dont ever say that nandos is not the best! Just shut up and let me eat what I want.

HARRY: but I dont want to eat at nados today.

NIALL: okay okay. Hmm... Ashton said that zayn said that today is a party at his and ashton actually asked if we would like to join. I just forgot to ask you.

HARRY: oh thanks niall. (Laughs) so we will go to that party today ?

NIALL: yasssss!


Louis pov

{Monday morning }

JAY: boobear could you please take the kids out for trick or treat later ? I sadly can't because I have to work.

LOUIS: (whines) but Mummm, today is zayns party and I can't miss the party of my best mate.

JAY: I am sorry Lou , but you have to. I don't expect a no as a answer. Do you understand me ?

LOUIS: why?!

JAY: just do it! Please Louis its important for the girls to celebrate Halloween so please take them out.

LOUIS: okay...

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