chapter fifteen

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Harrys pov

The two arrived and we started our plan, which is amazing to be honest. First we just sat down and randomly talked about everything and everybody. Then louis decided to get some food and I obviously had to help him to let those love birds alone. We went in the kitchen and took more time than we actually needed. When we came back they still sat in the same position and werent really talking. Holy shit what's up with those two ?! They are supposed to be married and they are even to shy to just talk to eachother ?! Okay next try. We said we would play spin the bottle, louis got some shots someone could take when they don't want to do the exercise.
I sat down and waited for someone to spin the bottle and since nobody did I started.

HARRY: the person will have to walk around the house without shirt and scream that they feel like the sexiest person on earth.

The bottle landed on zayn and he stood up and took is shirt of. When mary saw that, she couldn't handle it and just sat there staring. I understand her I mean zayn is indeed hot but just not my type. Zayn came back and he had actually fun doing that. Damn it I have to come up with better ones.

ZAYN: my turn! The next one has to brush my hair when ever I say I want to.

The bottle landed on himself haha. So nobody has do to it yas.

ZAYN: again. The person has to dress up like a girl.

Louis had to do it so he quickly run upstairs to his sisters room and came back looking like a fool haha. He looked like a fail version of Miranda sings. It was louis turn now and he said the person has to give zayn a hickey and the bottle landed on mary. Woah let zary get started! She is so nervous so we just tried to motivate her and say that she should just do it. She started sucking and after a bit a beautiful hickey was on zayns neck and I could see that he enjoyed it because little zayn decided to come out abit. We keept playing a few rounds.

HARRY: next round! My turn!

LOUIS: you have to think of one were TWO people are involved okay.

HARRY: okay the next two people the bottle will land on have to play 7 minutes in heaven.

the bottle landed on louis.. damn it it should have been zayn or mary. Who is the other person? Wait me ?! No fucking way.

HARRY: what?!

MARY: common haz. Go in the closet with louis.

LOUIS: urgh I hate you harry.

We went into the closet and just started arguing.

LOUIS: the plan went so good till you ruined everything!

HARRY: how should i have known that we would have to do it not them ?!

LOUIS: you could have tought of it!

HARRY: I did nothing wrong.

LOUIS: you didn't? Then explain me why we are here and not them ?

HARRY: we are here together that means they are alone in the living room... So it doesn't really make any difference.

LOUIS: I hate when you are right.

We stood awkwardly close and I could feel his breath. I didn't thought this position is bad or anything It felt kinda good to be so near to that normal ? I shouldnt think so but I cant help. I looked deeply in his eyes and my eyes went to his lips which looked so kissable. They look amazing and I would like to feel them on mine. I started to lean in and so did he...wait he leans in !!! That means he may like me and want to kiss me back !!! Woah that's to much for once. I already could feel his breath on my lips when suddenly someone yelled from the outside.



I know that's a short chapter I hope you like it though. Xx

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