chapter twenty three

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Harrys pov

the next week came around and I found myself sitting in the bus driving to school. Usally I use my car but the snow made my car freeze and It doesnt work anymore. Atleast my mom said I maybe get a new car to my birthday. But that's so far away:(.

The bus suddenly stopped and I saw the traffic jam that was before us. Great. I decided to walk because I thought I would be faster than the bus. Wrong thought harry. After about 15 minutes walking I saw the bus driving past me in a fast tempo. Urgh why?! I started to run because I saw I had only 15 minutes left. When I arrived at school the lessons have already begun. I walked to the math class and knocked on the door.

TEACHER: hola, how can I help you ?

I looked around and saw a lot of people they arent in my math class... In the middle I saw an amused looking Louis and then it hit me: i was in the wrong class.

HARRY: I aM sorry, i thought this is my math class. Obviously I aM in the wrong room.

The class started laughing and I quickly run out of this room and headed to my actual room.

MRS WB: mr styles, you are late. Again. That's the third time this year you know what that means ?

HARRY: detention?

MRS WB: actually I thought of
Calling your parents but detention sounds good. Alright then please sit down and come to room 13 after school.

I sat down in one of the chairs in the back. I wondered where niall and liam were since we actually have the lesson together.
She kept talking and at some point I just didn't listened anymore. I have detention anyways so it doesn't matter if I aM doing something she doesn't like. 10 minutes before the lesson ended liam came in with a new student. My eyes immediately landed on him and i felt my mouth drop open. That guy is looking like a living angle holy shit ! Who's that GORGEOUs boy ?!

MRS WB: Payne, would you like to explain me who this person is and why are you 30 minutes late?

LIAM: that's the new student and I showed him around here is the excuse from the office.

MRS WB: alright. What's your name Mr?

JACOB: Jacob grey. Nice to meet you mrs.

MRS WB: nice to meet you too would you like to tell the class something about you ?

JACOB: course... So I aM Jacob, my family and I moved here last week from spain. Um I like to cuddle and drink hot chocolate while watching tv. My hobbies are playing football, meet friends and listening to music. Yep that's pretty much it.

MRS WB: that's great I hope you like our school. You can sit Down where ever you want.

JACOB: thanks.

He walked towards me and sat directly next to me. Holy shit I have the feeling I just died.

JACOB: hey curly.

HARRY: h-h-I.

JACOB: what's your name ?

HARRY: harry. Harry styles.

JACOB: nice to meet you. There are only a few minutes left so lets talk abit. Do you think the teachers are nice or nah ?

HARRY: nah, I mean that are teachers. There are only one or two nice teachers.

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