chapter twenty one

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Harrys pov

The next morning I woke up with a massive headache and no memories of last night. The only thing I remember is that me and niall were partying at calums and I probably got really drunk. There is just one thing I wonder about and that is that I aM home and who brought me here since I have no clue where to go when I aM drunk so I never go home.
Maybe niall carried me ? Yeah probably. After I ate an aspirin I fixed my hair and put some clothes on. Going to school with a hangover, great idea. When I walked passed Eleanor she friendly smiled at me and it surprised me tha she wasn't with louis. Where is he anyways? I looked around and My eyes stopped at the lockers where niall, zayn and louis stood. Since when did they meet at their lockers again ? Did I missed something ?

NIALL: Oi Oi haz! Guess what ?

HARRY: mrs hang made banana apple cake ?

ZAYN: what? No and that's disgusting!

NIALL: lou and Eleanor finally broke up!

I passed out for a second and repeated his words over and over again. Louis. Broke up. With. Eleanor! Louis. Broke up. With. Eleanor... LORD THAT'S AWESOME! Wait Louis hasn't said a word yet so I looked at him seeing that he is blushing and looking down. What's wrong with him? Is he okay? He looks cute when he blushes though.


NIALL: because.. I actually don't know. Lou?

LOUIS: she wasn't the right that's all...

ZAYN: you will find the one some day boo!

LOUIS: (whispers so nobody could hear) maybe I even found him already.

LIAM: what are you staying here lads ?! There are only 5 minutes left. Hurry up and get to your next class !

ZAYN: yes daddy!

After liam called us we headed to our classes and decided to meet up after school at louis place.
Finally the bell rang I couldnt wait to get out of here so I run down the hall when I suddenly run into someone and fell on my ass.

LOUIS: bruh watch where you walk. Common I will help you up.

I looked up to see louis standing there not watching me and when he maybe took a look who he is helping up he freezed. I grapped his hand he hold out and after a few seconds of realizing he pulled me up.

HARRY: thanks.

LOUIS: no proplem.

We just stood there in an awkward silence and I dont know why but when I looked at those pretty lips of him I just wanted to kiss him and rip his clothes of and do things to him you cant even imagine. I even have the feeling that his lips already were on mine and it was amazing but that never happend right? Maybe in my dreams but that feeling was never that strong. After a few minutes just staring in the beautiful blue ocean eyes of him I got dragged into the next room.

HARRY: what are you doing ???

LOUIS: we need to talk!

HARRY: no need.


HARRY: if you ask that nice I can't say no.

LOUIS: I aM sorry but otherwise you wouldn't have listened.

HARRY: sure.(rolls his eyes)

LOUIS: lets beginn. See I don't want things to be weird between us and I don't want our friendship to end.

HARRY: you were the one who said we wouldn't be friends so what friendship do you mean?

LOUIS: I aM sorry okay ! I didn't meant that! I say things i actually don't mean when I am nervous and angry. You are my best friend and will ever be.... I miss you hazza.

I don't know what to think. I miss him too but I don't want his friendship I want more and that could ruin everything again. But otherwise I would go insane if I couldn't be around him so it would he better if I would at least hang out with him as friends right? Only friends... That thought urgh. Then I realized I haven't said something for a few minutes and louis looked sad so I just pulled him in a hug.

HARRY: I miss you too lou!

We hugged longer then necessary and I didn't wanted to pull back because I felt save in his arms and I just liked to feel his body against mine. Suddenly my phone started ringing and we had to depart. I will kill that someone who just called! Moment ruiner! That's probably niall he always ruins the moment! I pulled my phone out and saw who called: niall ! Told ya. He asked why we need so long and where we are. I quickly answered and louis and me headed to his home. This evening will be fun. When we entired the room we saw through the window that niall liam and zayn already played football in the garden. We decided to order something from nandos and then just play Fifa and later watch movies. When we started the 3rd movie I found myself cuddled up with louis on the couch. I rested my head on him and felt how my eyes slowly closed and I felt asleep. The best sleep I Can get is when I aM in my boobears arms. Oh you can't believe how much I would like to be able to call him mine! This night I dreamed of louis and only Louis.

I know its a short chapter but I hope you like it tho! :))) xxx

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