chapter twelve

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{One week later Monday}

Louis pov

A week past by and harry had literally tried everything to make me Like him. He seems so nice but I don't want to admint it. I mean I am supposed to annoy him and not like him. He was making me compliments every now and then, he asked if we could hang out, everytime he asked I said no of course, why should I hang out with a fag. i bet he is gay, but he would make a good Boyfriend. That adorable smile with those dimples, oh those dimples are just the cutest. Wait did I just complimented harry styles ?! Nooooo.... Okay maybe. But have you seen his damn beautiful smile? Everyone would think its cute.. right ? He even tried to hug me thousand times now but I always pushed him away. I don't want to be near him and he should totally stop being so fucking nice. If he keeps being that friendly I will kill him seriously. He is getting on my nerves but I kinda think I like him though even I don't really want ro admint that. He is gentle and a great mate to hang out maybe. I should definitely talk to someone about that and maybe I will even figure some things out. Who could I talk to? Let me think. Zayn? Nah he may not understand my problems and will laugh about me. Maggie? She is probably with her new boyfriend niel? Was it Niel... No it was naill ? No no now I know it, it was niall! Right. Anyways. What about harry? Obviously not. Luke? At football practice.

JAY: louis! You won't get your breakfast if you don't move your ass downstairs yet!

Mum? I should talk to my mum, she always knows what's the best.

LOUIS: I am coming.

ANNE: here you go boo.

She gave me my toast and eggs and I started eating.

LOUIS: mom, can I tell you something ?

ANNE: anything you want boo.

LOUIS: there is that guy in my school and we used to argue with eachother for somereason and then we were forced to do a project together and he said we should start over again and he wanted to be friends, but I said no because I thought it wouldnt be good because we always annoy eachother and won't get along. And now he tries since a week everything to be my friend. And I may have start to like him but I dont want to because its just... Its wrong.

JAY: why should it be wrong? There is nothing wrong about it. You can get friends louis. You have to try it. You only knew his one side. Obviously he can be nice and I know you can be as well. Show him that and you two will get along.

LOUIS: but we used to annoy eachother don't to like us.

JAY: louis just give it a try okay? Thinks can turn out good or not and if not everything will be Like before so you have nothing to lose. You can only win a good friend maybe.

LOUIS: I hate it when you are right. Thank you Mum I guss I may try it...

JAY: that's awesome lou.

I finished my breakfast and went to school were a curly haired boy were already waiting for me at my locker.

HARRY: hey Lou. What's up ?

He pulled me in a hug and this time I even hugged him back abit.

HARRY: Woah what happend that you are hugging me back and not pushing me back ?

LOUIS: i thought that I may give you a chance since you are trying it so hard.

HARRY: thank you!

He tried to hug me again but this time I pushed him away just to provocate him abit.

LOUIS: ah ah ah don't get to close Harold.

HARRY: of course. I am sorry boo. See you later and I promise you, that you won't regret your decision!

He kinda screamed the last part when he was walking away. Through i dont think it was good what I've done, I felt kinda good and was happy about that dork. We may can get friends.. can we?


I know this chapter is really short but school started yesterday and I have a few tests in this week so I won't be able to update regularly.

Thanks for reading! :)

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