chapter 31 the hunt

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Time skip a month has passed it almost thanksgiving

Edd pov

I haven't been in school as much I love to learn my heart and my mind are not on it all I want is Leo my sister without her im broken I shouldn't have hit her oh god Leo I'm so sorry please be ok "Edd you okay?"

Kevin walked in I still lay in bed with tear stains marked on my face eyes red "No I want my sister Kevin I'm desperate here mother and father are already disappointed" Kevin came to my side of the bed "No Double D they not disappointed at you okay they even said it.

It was no one's fault only mine I screw up and I let this happen if they want to be upset or disappointed it should be me I ruined everything and I even hurt the one I love I'm sorry" I looked at him tears forming in his eyes I got up and hug him "I love you Kevin" he sigh and smiled "I love you too double dork" Momo ran upstairs "the clues have been solved he said there one more" we looked at her.

Kevin pov

Well, what's the clue?" She pants but reads the clue in the letter "We made a promise you me and her we have a special bond that can never be broken but that terrible day I was forgotten Who am I" I looked at the letter "Wait what that" I looked closely "is that a jellyfish?" Edd grabbed the letter and looked at it real quick and his face went extremely pale "it can't be no it can't" I looked at him.

"what is it and tell us" he shook his head and got up quickly and went through the closet but remembered "Leo's room come on" I and Momo ran to leo room as he opened the door he went to her computer desk and there a photo "it can't be not Kaito it can't be" "who that?"

"He was our old friend when we were kids but that day he just vanished" he looked at the photo "It has to be him but we don't know what happened to him after that day" I looked at the photo his eyes were ice blue and wears a bracelet "that bracelet it a jellyfish" Edd looked at his wrist and sees his bracelet and sigh.

"We made a special bond he liked us we were his only friends and to be honest our best friends especially Leo he had a huge crush on Leo but he did not want to hurt our friendship so we all wore the jellyfish bracelet because Leo liked jellyfish don't know where he is now." Momo spoke, "I have seen that bracelet on William he was wearing it all the time and kept looking at it his face was sad."

DoubleD pov

William Shaw is Kaito oh my god it can't be but how did we not see it unless.. oh my god "We must find him Kevin" Kevin nods and calls Nat "Yo Nat we found out who it is Marcus was right Get everyone was are going on a hunt to find Leo."

Back in the room with Leo

Leo pov

As I slept I felt a hand caressing my face I opened my eyes slowly it his him I couldn't believe it, it was him "Kaito?" I got up tears forming "You did this to me?!" he looked away as he was about to get up I grabbed his arm "No explain Kaito or should I say William Shaw why did you hide yourself from us" he looked at me with his ice blue eyes

"you have forgotten about me!" I got up" and hugged him close "No I never did your voice gave it away when I first met you but I couldn't put my finger on it, it hurt my head" I looked at him

"Why did you do this to me" he pushed me back angry" You are lying you and Edd forgot me that day when my father tried to kill you both and even me oh god I loved you more than anything and you with beast I felt alone and
Edd didn't recognize me because they changed my face after that terrible scar on my face that father left me"

I stare at him I ran to him and hit him hard in the face "fuck you Kaito you made a hell for me and your father why would you do this to us we had a special bond why didn't you visit me at the hospital huh I was alone and why didn't you visit Edd he was alone huh Kaito why did you leave us alone why did you let me live in darkness"

tears fell "Why to damnit why" I heard a man's laughter I looked up and it him "YOU BASTARD YOUR ALIVE!!!" he smiled and pushed Kaito "This child is worthless he couldn't even hurt a fly so I would take over haha."

To be continued

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