chapter 38 William

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Leo pov

As we arrive at the cell I see him chained up "Kaito" he looks up his eyes full of surprise "You alive but how I saw you die I'm sorry Leo" I smiled gently "You you free right but you belong to me"

he looked confused at first and they unchained him and he looked at me in tears "but" I hugged him before he could speak and he held me close

"I'm sorry Leo I'm sorry Leo" I smiled and sing the jellyfish song and he joins me "Yura Yura" I giggled and he smiled "But you're on probation so no bad stuff got it and here" punches his arm hard and he wimped on me "oww" "that for all that shit I went through."

William pov

I pouted but I was glad she was back my insanity was still in my mind later I would tell her "I'm starving" Leo smiled as well "Let's go home and eat" Marcus stared me down I looked away sighing "It's not nice to stare at people but i know you won't trust me that fine im use to it" he sighs and held Leo close i get jealous and grabbed her

"hey I miss you" She hugged her and Marcus pushed me off Leo stopped us "Enough both of you let's just get home okay I'm still tired mm-" she stumbled but Edd caught her "Come on Leo you need rest Let's get home" she agrees and I walked with them.

Time skip Edd and leo house

Edd pov

When we got home she was already asleep on my shoulder I took her upstairs to her bed "mm welcome back" I kissed her forehead and she moved a little in her sleep I smiled a bit "Hey" Kevin walked in I blushed a little but he holds me from the back "let's go play a little" his lustful eyes gaped at me I blushed hard

"Kevin we have guests over" he grabbed my bottom hard I blushed made a squeaking noise and covered my mouth "Kevin control yourself be civilized alright" he smiled and kissed my neck "Tonight got it" I gulped but blushed.

"yes" We left the room Leo was asleep I smiled closed her door and headed downstairs with the other Kaito I mean William was playing games with Ed "Come on sock head we got a scam to pull" "What you creating now shorts Hit" Eddy argues with Kevin momo stops them "you guys you'll wake up Leo" Marcus spoke "I got a question" I looked at him

"yes, Marcus what's the question?" He looked up at me "Why was Leo named Leonardo" I giggled a little and sat down "Well mother and father wanted twin boys but instead they had twin girl and a boy so mother named her Leonardo and father named me Eddward" he nodded his head

"I like to know more about Leo and I want to know how she gets strong" Kevin yelled a little I smiled "Well you see Leo can be weak sometimes but once something excites or angers her when she becomes insanely strong no one knows how or why father thinks there a switch in the brain that once you hit it goes off like a robot there still studying it of how the human body and mind works mother working on emotions and senses of the human body which is fascinating"

I smiled and we talked for hours about how I joined the swim team and Leo and many other stuff "Well sock head I'm heading home I'm exhausted see ya come on lumpy" he dragged away "Bye, Double D"

ed yells I smiled and waved everyone goodbye by the time I closed the door I was pushed to it and felt his hand tugging gently on my hair and I moaned a little "Oh Kevin" he smiled and kissed me deeply "Time for some fun Edd" he carried me upstairs to my room "oh my but let me shower" he sighs "fine but it will go in soon" he bites my neck I blushed.

To be continued

Me-wtf It was getting to the sexy part
Kev-no next scene
Me-fine go on

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