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"Ya! Kim Sae Hyun!"


"Have you done your homework?"


"Answer me! You've done it haven't you?"


"Just give me your bag"


"Good girl"

Yes, This is me. The bullied girl. You know, it's not like i want it, It's not like i don't want to end it. I'm just.. I'm just too afraid to say no. I don't think i have rights to say no, i mean who am i? Nobody.
Thats it. That's the point, i'm nobody. I have no friends. I'm alone in this cruel world. My parents are busy working, I just have to accept my fate, being alone.

"Kim Sae Hyun! Buy me a juice i'm so thirsty" Says Joshua

"Ne, Joshua"

"Ya! Don't even try to say my name i don't like you!"


"Go! Ppali!"

Ah! I don't like you too Joshua! You bully me the worst. I hate you! I hate you! When will this suffer ends?

As i walk in the corridor, just like usual everybody looking at me with a gross look. It's okay tho, I'm getting okay with those glares. I walk with my head down, looking at my pathetic steps.

Ah this is still my junior year, I still have to go through two years more. In this school, There are many famous students. But i just remember some of them, first Mingyu the coolest guy here but he never seems to close to a girl, he is a basketball player that's why he is super tall. Second, Hoshi the funny and cheerful guy, he seems so nice and friendly but still, who wants to be a friend of Kim Sae Hyun? And the third one is of course, Joshua. The most hate-able person in the entire space.

As I arrive at the canteen, my eyes locked on someone who sits on the corner of the canteen. And he's alone. I don't think i've ever seen him around, he seems like really closing himself to the other. I wonder why he keeps staring at the wall like that. Perhaps, he's also depressed just like me.

I keep staring at him with a wondering look. I'm too focus at staring at him until I didn't realize, he also staring back at me with a 'why-are-you-staring-at-me' look.

And the worst is, he starts to walk approaching me.

Ya.. What should i do?


Thanks for reading this story! This is just the beginning so it's not so good and hella short😁

By the way i want to know you all! Let's get to know each other🙆🏻 if you want to know me too you can follow my twitter @je0nwoowoo and i will definitely follow back! And we can get along~
Dont worry i don't bite😁

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