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*sae hyun's pov*

After playing around with wonwoo i finally get back home. It's not really comfortable with him since i don't even love him i just like him as a friend.

I walk home alone because our houses are rather far.

As i'm nearing my house i see mingyu walks on the opposite side of me, 'this is the time to tell him everything' i say it in my mind.

"Mingyu!" I call him and start to walk to him.

"No no stop right there. I uh.. I want to be alone, okay?" He then smiles sweetly, but not looking at my eyes. A fake sweet smile i can tell.

"You.. Heard about it?" I ask.

"Yeah yeah i've heard about it and i'm happy for you of course. Congratulation sae hyun-ah, i think i should get in it's getting dark goodbye!" He rushes his steps and get in to his house before i say sorry

"Mingyu i'm so sorry.." I mumble to the wind. I walk unwillingly to my home and go upstairs to my room.

I look outside the window which is mingyu's room and the light is on means he's in there. 'I should give another try to say sorry to him' i say.

I reach for a marker and a paper and write a big massive sorry on it, hope he will at least look at me properly.

I know he's mad at me, so mad until he can't even look at me in the eyes.

I grab a flashlight and click it on and off repeatedly to his window to make him notice. I keep clicking it until he appears, with a wet hair and just wearing a towel on his waist. Oh god.

I quickly grab the paper and show it to him. 'Please let me have a chance to explain' i mouth.

And guess what happens next? He shuts the curtain.


This morning i intend to give a try again. I woke up so early then after i'm ready i rush myself to mingyu's front house. I wait for 10 minutes and he comes out with his uniform.

"Mingyu please listen to me i need to tell you everything about it i reall--"


Then he leaves me all alone.


15 minutes on the bus feels like 5 hours. The bus also feels so quiet, does it really feel empty or it's just my heart that empty?

I walk alone to the school gate when suddenly someone blocks my way.

"Sae hyun-ah."


"Why are you being like this to him?" What is he talking about? We never talked before, and all of sudden he is being like this? How rude.

"You don't get it?" He asks me.


"Mingyu. It's mingyu. Why are being like that to him? You told him you like him but then you end up with wonwoo. I thought mingyu chose a right girl, turns out i'm totally wrong." Oh.. Now i know why he is being like this.

"You close with mingyu?"

"Very close."

"Okay please help me to tell this to him because he doesn't even want to see my face anymore. Listen, when i told him i like him, i really do, i really am. The day before that, i had a tutor session with wonwoo and he suddenly confessed to me and yes i'm such a coward because i can't say no--"

"But at least you can try to say that you already like him!"

"I did! I tried to say that but he cut my sentence and he said he'll take that as a yes. Now do you understand?" His facial expression is indescribable, he just nods repeatedly.

"I uh i will try to talk to him, sorry for before hehe i don't know it, i'm really sorry, i should go, bye!"

By that, i really hope he will tell mingyu everything.


The school ends just like usual, nothing's different but my temperature is. I think i will catch a cold because i didn't bring my parka and i will visit dino just like i said yesterday,

I want to be alone so i told wonwoo i'm on my period but actually i'm not hehe

After the school ends i quickly go out the school to catch the bus so i can shorten the time.

Approximately 20 minutes i arrive at dino's house and immediately ring the bell so i can come in.

After awhile there is no response, i ring the bell again and still no response. Where's he? He always opens the door right after i rang the bell or even before i ring the bell.

Maybe they are out somewhere? Ah okay i'll just go home now. When i was about to walk away i hear the door opens and when i thought it was dino, it's not.

"Looking for lee chan?" She asked. "Yes," She's the house-maid since we were kids, of course she knows me.

"He's not here, he's umm he is hospitalized."

"Pardon?" Taking a deep breath to calm myself, i'm shock with the news.

"Yesterday he said his head felt like spinning around and then he passed out, his mom brought him to the hospital in case something happens but i don't know anything after it his mom hasn't told me anything afterwards."

"Is he going to be okay?" I murmur. "Thank you for the information, i'll visit him tomorrow in the hospital." Taking a step back, i go home alone.

The wind is howling, it's freezing i might just die here because of this coldness. I fasten my pace.

After i-don't-know-how-many-minutes passed, i finally arrive to in front of my house. With shaking hands i open the lock of the gate fast. I was going to take a step in when suddenly i feel a warmness all over my top body.

"Sae hyun, i'm sorry."


[A/N Sooo what's up? It's been awhile since i updated the last chapter hehe. I'm sorry for the super late update it's because i have this national exam and many other exams later and so i have to study, so i decided to take this story on hiatus BUT PLEASE DON'T LEAVE THIS STORY:'(
I will try to write if i have the time so don't delete this story from your library okayy?:(
ANYWAY, Thank you for the 5k reads this is so unexpected so thank you sososososooo much! 사랑해용~❤️

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