Chapter Five- We're gonna be Parents!!! AGAIN!!!!

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Princeton's POV

Well, Cierra has been in labor for 14 hours she's 7 cm her water broke sometime yesterday.  Its 9:30 in the morning. Kierra left with my Mom and is at home now. Cierra's Asleep right now and I'm just chillin' in her hospital room thinking about how dumb I acted yesterday towards her.......... I was just sitting there when all of a sudden my phone went off.... "I woke Up in a new Bugatti!" Is all it could get out before I opened it..... it was chanel oh great


Nelly: Babe why you aint call me

PeacePunkPrince: Cuz I'm not your babe bitch

Nelly: Why not?? :(

PeacePunkPrince: You ain't my Fiancee

Nelly: I can be though ;)

PeacePunkPrince: Naw I'm good, Thanks for the consideration though

Nelly: >.< you just gotta make things difficult don't you

PeacePunkPrince: girl you need some fucking help.

Nelly: Oh you will be mine one way or another.

PeacePunkPrince; Whatever


I looked over to see Cierra face flinch and immediately she woke up. "You okay Ci." I asked with a confused look on my face. "OWWWW!!!!! Pri- Pri-Pri- Princeton I- I- I- I'm H-H-H-Having a C-C-Contraction." "iight baby take deep breaths don't hyperventilate." I said "I'mma get the doctor." I went over and pressed the button for the nurse or doctor to come in. 30 seconds later the nurse comes rushing in "Is everything okay Mr.Perez?" "OWWWWW!!!!!" Cierra screamed. "You know the problem now." she walked to the door and yelled "Doctor your help is needed." The doctor quickly came to the room grabbed some gloves and checked her dilation progress. "Shes at a full 10 cm." The doctor annouces lets get this baby out. WAIT WHAT ARE WE GONNA NAME THE BABY???!!!! "Mr. Perez if I could have you hold her leg up." The doctor said "Okay no problem." I say as soon as Cierra was in proper position to deliver this baby the doctor began instructions "Okay  Cierra I need you to push." 'OWW O-O-Okay I'm R-R-Ready" She said"Alright PUSH 1...2.3..4...5.6...7.....8...9...10, let it out." This went on for about 5 mins and soon the baby was out.

"A BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY!!" The doctor exclaimed. "What are you gonna name him?" The nursed asks holding him in her arms. "What are we gonna name him?" I asked Cierra "How about Jacob Austin Perez, do you like that name?" She asks "Yeah, Jacob Austin Perez." 'I reply all I could do was repeat his name in my head over and over again...... "Come up with a name." She asks after he's all cleaned up. "Yes, Jacob Austin Perez." I say. "AWW What a cute name." She says 'How much did he way I'm sorry I was star struck." I said. she giggle a bit " 6lbs even and 19 inches long." 

"We're Parents Prince." Cierra said. "Yeah Parents again." I said holding my little prince in my arms

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