Chapter 27-Never Thought I'd See You Again

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I woke up this morning and something told me to go to New York City. I got Kierra ad LJ dressed. I'll take them with me. While I was getting LJ dressed,  Kierra came into my room. "Mama, when am I going to see daddy?"

This is about the millionth time she's asked me that.  I'm sick and tired of it! " Kierra for the last damn time, your dad is not coming back!" I was so angry. Not at Kierra, at that nigga. Kierra shouldn't have to ask those types of questions.

She glared at me with tears in her eyes. I could tell she was mad. "I hate you! You took my daddy away from me!" She ran out of my room and into her own. "Kierra wait!" I ran after her completely forgetting about LJ.  When I reached her door and pushed her door open I saw her laying face down on her bed crying into her arms. I walked to her side and knelt by her side. "Kierra I'm sorry, I know you miss your dad. We just took a break from each other. I promise you'll see him again." She looked up at me, tears streaming down her face. " promise?" I smiled at her. "promise. "


Today, Ray, Roc and I were doing a meet and greet in New York. I wasn't all that excited for it. I would rather stay in the house and mope as usual.

I was sitting at the table putting on my fakest smile ever. I was tired of signingnauto graphs and hugging random chicks. All this shit was annoying.

I started signing another poster when I see the most amazing face. The face I have wanted to see for so long. In the arms of the person was a perfect little boy and next to them was a beautiful little girl. The woman I was signing the autograph for waved her hand in front of my face.  I stood up and walked towards the three perfect people. "Cierra....."

Short chapter huh? Mostly just a filler. Anyway, this chapter and the last chapter has been created by the new co writer!! yay! Don't forget to vote and comment.


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