Chapter 9-Just When Everything Was Perfect

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Cierra's POV

We Were Waiting for the guys to get back so we decided to watch Tay's Video of Ray's Flirting "I'mma rip both of them damn braidz out his motherfuckin head he gone be walking around looking like roc with fuckin pubes in his head.." Tay Said 'Well Damn Tay, Me and Roc Love you Too.." Tisha said "Oh My Bad Girl." Tay Said Embarrassed We Were Looking for A little bit and I see Prince and Chanel in the Background and it looked like they kissed...."Wait Tay Rewind it." She went back "STOP!" I said when I saw Princeton "Pause it." I said I took her phone to get a closer look..."What's The Matter?" Tay Asked. I looked a little closer and they did kiss! "THAT BITCH!" I shouted and ran out the room into where they were holding the meet and greet.... I found the bitch and I didn't even think I grabbed her by her hair and swung her around and punched her square in her nose.... "I HOPE ITS BROKE TOO BITCH!!!" I Yell Watching her fall to the ground.... Princeton Turned around and ran over to Where I was "Baby What Chu Do That For?" He Asked "DON'T YOU EVEN FUCKING TALK TO ME JACOB EMMANUEL PEREZ BEFORE I FUCKING BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!!!!" "DAYUMMM PRINCE!" Ray Said " I WOULDN"T BE TALKING RAY FUCKING RAY CUZ TAYLOR IS GONNA BEAT UR FUCKING ASS TOO!!" I Shot at him from across the hall "Prince Get Cho Girl!' He Mouth. I stuck up the bird and Left...... I'mma call Tay to See If she Can Bring the Kids to my house after the concert...Right Now I Don't Know If Me and Princeton Are Getting Married or Not......My Attitude towards him Right now is Fuck You...Go be with yo side bitch 


Me: Tay Can You Bring The Kids To Me??

Tay: Yeah you leave??

Me: Girl I can't be in the same building as him or that bitch

Tay: iight boo I got chu and If he or she try some more shit The Girls and I got you

Me: aight thanks boo

Tay: Bye 

me: Bye


While I was driving I looked to my right to see a girl around 16 texting.... No body Knows How Much I hate that.... The Light Turned Green and The Next Thing I know.......BAM!! I was hit My Car spun around and I tried to stop it but I just couldn't I hit my head moments later.....Everything Started getting faint and I just slowly closed my eyes.....

MeanWhile..... Backstage at the concert


Reporter: We Have Word That There Was Just An Accident on Main Street

Princeton's POV

"I Hope That Person's Ok" 

Reporter: We've got Word that "Cierra Villanueva's" car was crashed by texting 16 Jennifer Armstrong just minutes ago...



Walter's POV

I Walk back to check on the guys when They all come rushing out the back room  "What's The Matter?" I asked "Cierra's Just Been in an accident we have to cancel Walt.." Roc Says "iight you guys go ahead I'll tell the fans.." I said a little bummed to here Cierra was in an Accident

-News Still On-

Reporter: Cierra Villanueva was sent to the hospital unconscious  as for Jennifer Armstrong she has minor injuries



Tay's POV

OMG I can't believe it Me and Prince and Kierra Went to the Scence Roc Was crying like a baby so he went to Princeton and Cierra house with LJ KiKi didn't wanna go.. When We got there They had already taken Cierra to the hospital where Prod Tasha and Ti were... Damn Cierra What Mess have you gotten in now!??! 

Princeton's POV

Cierra's Car was Crashed BAD!!! (BTW She Traded her escalade for a Black and Turquoise Bugatti Veyron)  "Daddy What happened to Mommy's Car?" Kierra Asks " Kierra she was in a car Accident..." I  say Might as well tell her. She was quiet the whole rest of the ride she didn't even reply when I told what happened to her mom .

Cierra's POV

I woke up to Prod Tisha and Tasha all in my room looking like somebody died.... "Who Died" I said. Their heads shot up like I died and came back to life "We Thought you did" Tasha said "Well Damn Geez Don't Chu here my heartbeat..."I said "ANNNDD SHES BACKKKK!!!" Prodigy Said Just When he finished Princeton came rushing in like the PoPo was after him

Princeton's POV

I walked in and Cierra was all scratch up her face her arms her legs and she had bruises here and there she had a brace on her left arm... "Hey Ci" I said not knowing if she was still mad or not "My Body Hurts But I'm Fine.." She said not looking at me YEP She's Still Mad! "Oh..." I said with my hands in my pocket and my head hung low.... 

Cierra's POV

I made him feel guilty GOOD he should be... "did anyone call my mom?" I asked 'Oh yeah Prince's Mom ur Dad and Ur Mom are on there way.." Tay Said "Ok" I JUST REALLY WANNA GET OUT THIS HOSPITAL AND GO HOME AT THIS POINT! THATS ALL I WANTED TO DO in THE FIRST PLACE!!! WHY????? WHY ME?? I wonder Where roc is....

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