Chapter16 -Room For One More

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Cierra's POV

I opened the Door to an unexpected guest "Asia?" I asked as if I couldn't believe my eyes "Heyy Cierra.." She said.. "Oh umm Sorry Asia I umm haven't uhh got your new number.." I said nervously "Are you okay?" she said chuckling a little.. She's so nice its scary... "Yeah Yeah umm Do you Wanna be One Of My Bridesmaids?" I blurted "Of Course, Are you sure you're okay?" She asked more concerned this time "Uhh Yeah Yeah I'm cool." I said nodding uncontrollably "Yo Ci W- You need me to handle this bitch?" Tay said giving Asia the stank eye.. "Umm Actually Tay..Uhh she's one of my bridesmaids" I say in a really high voice twirling my hair arounf my finger "Since??" Tay asked eyeballing me "Since Just now..." I said smiling weakly.. "you're lucky I love you.." She said "Yeah so Asia We're about to go dress shopping umm you coming?" I asked "Umm Sure" she said. I ran in the house and grabbed the girls Asia Kierra and Tay were Riding with me and Tisha and Tasha were riding together....

Car Convo Taylor, Asia, Cierra, Kierra

"Hi Kierra!" Said getting into the car

"I don't- KIERRA SOPHIA PEREZ!!" I interrupted her

"I'm Sorry... Hi Asia.." She said huffing

"So Taylor how are things with you and Prod??" Asia asked

"Great thanks for asking?" Taylor snapped I elbowed her in her side and shot her a glare

"be niiicccee" i say through my teeth

"STFU" she said

"So Asia how's umm things with uhh K-K-Kahlil??" i asked.... Ever since that day at my house with me and him saying the name haunts me

"GREAT umm we're actually trying to start a family" ok this girl is wayyyyyy too perky now....

"oh thats good." i said

"so how's ur baby doing?" she said

" oh Jacob he's perfect!, we call him LJ for Little Jacob"

"Aww That's Cute.." she replied and from there it was an akward silence the rest of the ride...


Cierra's POV

I've tried on a million dresses and i cant seem to find one thats for me..... I 've found Kierra's Flower Girl Dress and the Girl's Bridesmaids Dresses.... "I have one more dress I think you might like to try!" the old lady said beaming a beautiful smile at me... "Ok I'll try it" I said walking into the dressing room with her... She slowly unzipped the plastic that was keeping the dress pure white and in tact....She removed the dress and gently slid it off the hanger..... The dress was stunning.... I slipped my legs through and watched as my body smoothly slid through the dress with no problems.... She Zipped the dress and I looked and Felt... "Simply beautiful" She said "I think this is it.." I say smiling from ear to ear... Seems Just Like Yesterday me and Prince we're in Middle School and I was crushing


"Ohhh Tay here he comes be cool.." "You're the one that's crushing not me.." Ugh I can't stand how much I love him

Princeton's POV

"Ayee Prod Who's That??" I asked " Oh That's Cierra and her Friend Taylor, Cierra's always checking you out man.." "Forreal..." We slowly approached them so I decided to take advantage of her secret crush on me... I winked at her and shot her a flirty smile.... That'll keep her on her toes

Cierra's POV

"OMG TAY HE JUST WINKED AT ME!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed... "I saw.." she said uninterested but I ignored her..... Ahh I will Never Forget This Day....


"Let's Go Show Your Friends!" She said smiling I walked out of the dressing room and onto the platform... "AWW Mommy You Look you Prettiful!!" Kierra exclaimed jumping from her seat..... " You Look Amazing!" Asia said so passionatly "I LOVE IT CI!!!" TISHA screamed "Oh Cierra Its Perfect!" Tasha said "Tay?" I asked.... No reply just her hands over her face... "Tay? Are you Crying??" I asked "Cierra You Look Amazing I love you and-" her sentence was stopped by tears of Joy.... "Awww Tay" I said running to hug her... "I love you too.." I said "shedding a few tears... I hugged each of the Girls..including Asia.. I saved Kierra for last. I knelt down to her level.. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek " I Wove Woo wommy" Is what she said because I was squezzing her so tight...


Roc's POV

"PRINCE!!! PRINCETON!!! JACOB!!!" I screamed ion no nothing bout taking care of a baby... "WHAT MAN?!!" He screamed "I need help.." "YEAH I KNOW GO TALK TO JESUS!!"  "I Mean With The Baby Nigga!!" I said getting fustrated... "You just pitiful." he said walking down the stairs.. "What Do you Need Help With?" He asked  "How Much Water do you put in here and how many scoops of this flour looking shit do you use..?" "YOU GOTTA  BE FUCKING KiDDING ME!!!, NIGGA ITS A 2 OUNCE BOTTLE!!!, 2 FUCKING OUNCES AND 1 SCOOP OF MILK NOT FLOUR, MILK!!!" He Screamed " I didn't ask for your whole life story...." I said " You're so Fucking SLOW!!!" He said walking up the stairs.. "WAIT! Are you sposed to shake it up or let it sit on the bottom.?" " ROC SHAKE THE DAMN SHIT UP, GOSH YOUR SO FUCKING RETARDED I JUST WANNA PUNCH YOU IN YO FACCCEEE, MAN!!!" He said screaming from the Stairs... "Is That Really how you Feel Prince??" I asked in a little kid voice " UGH NIGGA GO TO HELL!!" He shouted...

About 15 mins later there was a knock at the door..... "Prrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttttoooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!! Somebody's at the dooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrr!!!" I screamed from the kitchen.. "Roc you really get on my fucking nerves like forreal" he said coming downstairs to open the door... "It Aint My house NIGGA!" I shouted 

Prince's POV

I opened the door to see...."DIGGY??" "Hey uh Prince can i talk to you.?" He asked sure I said stepping outside... "So What Do You Wa-" BAM! I was interrupted by a punch to my face... "WTF Was That For??" I asked confused "You Sent That Nigga to Beat the shit out of me...." he said through his teeth.. " MotherFucker You Fucking kiddnapped my Girl... Who TF? You Think you is... JESUS!!?" I screamed... "Naw MotherFucker I'm your worst nightmare....."



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Bridesmaid Dresses on The side 


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