Chapter 6- Hard being a Star....

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Cierra's POV

LJ that's the baby's nickname it stands for little Jacob is now 2 weeks old. I'm proud of me and Princeton. Although I'm still kinda upset with him about the Chanel shit I ain't gonna bring it up for our son and daughter's sake. He lost some of my trust though, but through all this mess I still love him with all my heart and we ARE getting married in a month or two FOR SURE!!!! We just havn't been like we used to be..........

Princeton's POV

LJ's now 2 weeks old, Kierra seems to had adjusted to her new baby brother just fine and loves him with all her little heart. They are the most beautiful thing any man could ever create, I'm just glad it was me who had the chance to create them. As for me and Cierra, we're ok LJ brought us together JUST a LITTLE bit. Through Thick and Thin we still are there for eachother and love one another with every limb in our bodies. "Princeton!" Cierra screamed interrupting my thoughts. "Yea." I answer her. "Can you bring me the diaper bag ......Please?" 

Cierra's POV

Princeton should do track or something cuz I asked him to get the diaper bag and he was up her in .625 seconds "Damn boy what chu thought I was gone run away?" I say just playing. "What Chu mean.??" He asks dumbfounded. "Boy you ran up here the police was at the door screaming : Jacob Perez Jacob Perez we know you're in there." I say laughing "I thought you need it for like something horribly important." "You should run track." I finish "I will if you do it with me..." He says TRYING to turn me on. "Stop Bae just stop....." I say "What?!!!" He says "You're trying to hard to try and get me in the bed." I say His reaction '-_- Goodbye Cierra I;m going to go bang my head into the wall." "Princeton!! Princeton!! Wait..." I scream "I never said no to the offer I continue...."So you wanna have sex" He asks 'I haven't had sex in nine months." I answer like doyy I wanna have sex with you.

Chanel's POV

I got a call from Princey Pooh and I said hello a million times and no one answered, he must of butt dialed me.....But I decided to stay on the phone....Turns out him and Cierra are planning on getting it in tonight....That's what she thought......Well she thought wrong.....His dick is mine and only mine... If it takes me to fuck with his kids to get to his man hood then so be it...Fuck them kids we can have our own.

Princeton's POV

I was sitting in the room watching Cierra dress our son then I got a call from Walter.


"Prince Where the Hell are you??" Walter asked

"What chu mean where am I??" I said confused

'Princeton we Leave for tour today." Walter said

"You serious that's today mannn I forgot all about it how I'm sposed to tell Cierra and Kierra."

"Look Prince I know you just a baby and all but you gotta do this man." 

'I know iight man see you in about 45 mins." 


Damn time to say my goodbyes 

"Cierra!!" I scream "Yes BABY!!" she screams "I'm leaving." I say to her when I walk into the living room. "Leaving where." She asks worried. "leaving for tour Babe." I say all saddish " you're leaving us?" she asks " I'm sorry I would of told you earlier its just I was so wrapped up in that Chanel mess and with LJ and it slipped my mind." "How are you gonna tell KiKi you're going to be gone for a few months?" "I don't know i figure it out." "Ok." "Well the first concert is Friday and its in LA so will you bring Kierra and keep LJ backstage cuz I don't know if him being in the crowd  is a good idea." I suggest "Yeah I guess.." "Kierra!!" "Kiki daddy has to tell you something!!" "YES DADDDAYYY???!!!?" Kierra screams "Umm Kierra daddy's leaving?" "are you coming back?? Don't leave me AGAIN daddy, Please I love you don't go Please Daddy Please...." Kierra pleads. "Baby Daddy ain't leavin forever I'll be back in a few months and whenever I come to LA I'll come and visit." "Well where you going." "You know how me and Uncle Ray Roc and Prod are in a group call Mindless Behavior?' "Yeah.." She says in a keeping going tone." "Well we're going around the world and we're going to do concerts to show our fans how much we love them." "OK DADDY I LOVE YOU." She says and kisses my cheek I kiss her cheek back. "I love you LJ " I say and kiss his forhead 'I love you Cierra," and we kissed for about 10 seconds... Then I left

Chanel's POV

Saw on instagram MB's going on tour hmmmm This'll be interesting

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