Chapter 21- She's Gone.....

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Princeton's POV

The guys girls and I got back from  Taco Bell, headed to my place... Ci said she didnt wanna come.... She's still going through something... But right now... how I feel... it is what it is....

I unlocked the door and walked in the house followed by The boys and girls.... Ray ran into the kitchen like we just didn't finish eating...

"AY PRINCE!!!" I hear him scream from the kitchen... "Man look at this..." He says walking into the living room... "Its a letter from Ci" I take it and read it aloud...

Dear Tay,Ti, Ta, Ray, Roc, Prod, and Prince,

The Kids and I are gone back home, and we're gonna miss you guys... Im sorry I didnt tell you I was leaving but.. I thought it was best to leave this way... you know.. without anything holding me back..

Tay Tay Bay Bay!!!! I will always love you, through thick and thin, and you know that!! CALL ME GURLL!! Lmfao! 

Ti Ti GIRLL!! Take curr of that baby, and make sure Roc don't make that baby no food.... He ion what he doing Childeee... Love you girl!

TAASSSHHHAA!!!! Hunny!!! Keep ya head up.... I love you... With all my heart... and you know it girl... PEACE OUT GIRL SCOUT!!

Ahhh Taco Butt, I love you man... I love you today, i'll love you tomorrow and I'll love you forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and yeah i think you get the point... 2 BRAIDZZZ!!!

Spiffy Doe!!! Sahn.....  Take care of my niece and be a good daddy.. don't leave Ti or i'll come back to LA and get your ass... I know where you live niggahhh!!! and take that damn rollie off please?? Lmao.. Love you Man!!

MY MOONWALKING SINGING FOOL!!! Lol I love you Prod.....  Aye!! When I come back... if i come back... Imma be waiting for some Shicken my Nizzle!!! Aha... Bye...

Jacob, jacob, Jacob.... i love you with everything in me... but i just have to go know i gotta get my self together... cause i mean babe... this drama shit aint doing me know good...  but its not because of you i have to work on myself for there to be an us... and you have to work on you... and if i come back.... maybe we can be together... if i dont.. dont waste your life over me get you another girl... there's plenty other fish in the sea.. just know i won't be with anyone for a while... But I love you daddy.. .and im gonna miss your kisses... and your hugs.. and how every morning and night you kissed my neck and told me how much you loved me and the kids and how beautiful i was... those are the things i'll never forget... you showed me that the only way to live was WILD and man have i done it.... Im gonna miss you Hunny bunches of oats... I love you lots baby... 

                                                                       Peace Mah Niggs,


"NO NO NO YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT LEMME SEE THAT!!" Taylor screams...  she runs and snatches the paper from me.... " H-H-How can she just leave like that..." She says crying now... "Baby Calm down..." Prod says trying to sooth her.. "CRAIG THOMAS CRIPPEN JR!!! HOW CAN I POSSIBLY CALM DOWN!!! MY BEST FRIEND IS GONE.... THE OTHER HALF OF ME!! I JUST CAN'T CALM DOWN!!!" She shoots back at him... " YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS ALL YOUR DAMN FAULT!!" She says putting her finger in my face.. " MY FAULT???!!!" I say in confusion. "HOW THE HELL IS IT MY FAULT!?" " IF YOU DIDNT GO AROUND FUCKING THAT SLUT SHE WOULD BE HERE!!!! YOU'RE A STUPID DUMB LOW LIFE MOTHERFUCKER!!" She shouts.. "ME? WHAT ABOUT YOU.... WHY DONT YOU TELL PROD YOUR SECRET!!! TALKING ABOUT ME!!" I shouldnt of said this.. " What do you mean?" Prod asks me.. " Nothing man, ask yo girl...."


SHORT!!!! but comment below on what you think the secret is... i might make one of them the secret you never know...

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