Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Almaligado

                The next day I went down to the shed where I had kept the hatchling for the night. I opened the door to see the hatchling the size of a small horse. I wasn’t really surprised at this rate it would be full grown in a matter of days. How I would hide her then was a mystery, I thought. I knew that it was going to have to hunt on its own before long, because it certainly wasn’t going to fit in the shed tomorrow. I went inside where the hatchling was lying in the straw to sit with it. I looked right into the exotic green eyes that held so much intelligence that of which I could not fathom. Just by looking into the eyes of the hatchling I could tell that it was a girl so she was going to need a name; I just couldn’t go on calling her the hatchling when I thought about her. What are we going to call you, girl, I thought to myself.

            I started thinking that since she was silver maybe I should name her to relate to her scales or maybe her ferocity. Maybe Sparkling I thought, but as soon as I thought that I knew definitely not. As she stretched her neck in the air to get at a pigeon, her scales sparkled so beautifully that they shimmered. Kilau. Kilau is a word that means shimmer that I picked up in language classes. That had a nice ring to it, I thought.

“Kilau,” I called softly to her, and with the grace of a fine lady she came right up to me.

             I decided right then and then that Kilau was definitely her name. I knew that Vivian and Felix were probably already at the creek. I wonder if Vivian’s egg hatched yet, I think to myself. I called Cora in from the sky and started down the trail with Kilau right next to me the entire way her head already came about a foot higher than my own. I saw a flash of color and knew that someone was down there already. I saw Felix bent over something; staring intently at it.

“Hey, Felix,” I said making him jump a couple feet in the air.

 He just continued to stare at whatever was in front of him. I poked him and he finally turned around to look at me with wide eyes. He told me that he’d found a rock that might have been another dragon egg so he went to touch it but he hesitated since both Vivian and I’d been shocked when we had picked up our eggs. When he touched it he wasn’t shocked at all.

             So Felix picked it up but as he did he touched another stone and that stone shocked him immediately. Felix then dropped the first stone and picked the other up which was now in front of us. It was smooth and grayish in color it also had a couple cracks in it. Then Vivian came into the clearing with a small bundle in her hands that seemed to be struggling.

“What did I miss, guys?” she asked breathlessly.

I filled her in on what had occurred with Felix and that was when she saw Kilau.  She gasped at how big Kilau had gotten in one night, but I told her that she’d been eating twenty-four seven mice.

“She, you mean it’s a girl?” Vivian asked. I told her that I just had a feeling that she was a girl.

“Oh, by the way I named her Kilau,” I told the two of them.

              That was the moment that the bundle in Vivian’s arms flopped out of its covering to finally make an appearance. It was another dragon hatchling but this time it was dark evergreen color with light amber eyes. We just all stared at the hatchling. Then Kilau walked up to the hatchling, sniffed it, and then shook her head. However when I questioned her further, Vivian only stated that she didn’t touch the hatchling right away, but scrambled back onto her bed. After that the hatchling just stared at her for a while before curling up in the corner to take a nap. Right after the dragon had fallen asleep; Vivian had felt a strange itching sensation on her shoulder and upon further investigation found a mark similar to mine, but the same shade as her hatchling.

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