Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Beginning

                 Many of the dragons started to panic and scattered but the overwhelming power of the word of the head kept them in line while I fought the vampire. As I went I thought this is just crazy and what happens now if we all survive this attack? For however little I knew; I did know this that no matter what happened this encounter would forever change us all in one way or another. As I landed on Gyldi I saw Zane twist around to look at me and he said something that I couldn’t hear, but as I leapt off again I realized what he had said.

“You can do this Rose, I believe in you,”

 I landed on Kilau’s back where she had been waiting. I told her to listen very closely she solemnly agreed and so I told her she wouldn’t like it but she obeyed with trust. We flew up into the clouds with the vampire close behind and then everything was dead silent while he and I continued to stare at one another. I then instructed Kilau to stay put and whatever happens don’t come after me unless I’m for sure dead and while she was asking me what I was planning to do I leaped off to plummet and as I did I curled up into a ball that seemed to be on fire. I felt my insides burning in agony but I didn’t move nor scream as I plummeted.

                 I found the vampire right in front of my and without thinking I grabbed an arrow from the quiver slung over my back; plunging it into the vampire’s heart. The bloodsucker seemed to scream and smile at the exact same time before I blacked out. Even though I was blacked out it seemed that I was still there but not like I was looking through someone else’s eyes. What I saw was shocking. I saw a ball of flames licked silver that contained a human girl that was on fire. A change was going on and I felt overwhelming concern for the safety of the girl, before I realized that girl was me. Then a black shape swooped in but just as quickly swooped out in the form of black dust that I knew was the vampire dying. I saw the flaming ball hit the ground with force that shook the earth. Then the flames turned quite bright but you could still see the girl inside burning. Then the flames slowly flickered out to reveal a seemingly untouched girl with black hair on the ground. Before I could wonder dragons were swooping down to the ground in a circle around this girl and humans got off to crouch down around the girl that was surly dead. I saw a boy with blond hair got as close as he could to the girl looking for signs of life. I then apparently came closer and I looked closely at the girl that seemed frozen in time.

              Then without warning silver flames sputtered to life around the girl and consumed her in half a second. The humans gasped; jumping away but the dragons stayed put with no apparent distress. The again silver ball of flames that surrounded the girl rose into the air with a few crackles from the flames. Then an amazing change seemed to occur in the girl before me. She seemed to twist around in the ball of flames as if she was alive but that was impossible but then again I was looking at silver flames. Then the flames died away and she fell to the ground with a thud that would have killed any normal human. I approached her with great interest and suddenly her eyes snapped open scaring me into backing away a couple feet. Her eyes were a strange exotic green with slits in them that I would have called dragon like. She stood up with her strange chocolate brown hair at her waist; she strode forward and through the circle of dragons and humans, but what was really strange were her cloths. She was wearing a weird strapless top that was black in color with silver like scales on top that went to about mid-chest and carried down to one side.

                  Then the pants with the same black fabric. Then I gazed upon the shoes black leather then went up to just below the knees. Silver buckles like the one on the skirt went up and down the outside of the boot. On the arms was black leather with the same silver scales as the shirt, arm braces over the thumbs and palms of the hands. On her back was a quiver of silver arrows along with a silver bow. Then I blacked out again but woke up with many people staring down at me from above. They were all fuzzy but slowly they all came into focus. All were fellow dragon masters and mistresses. The dragons I could feel pressing on my mind concerned. I then started to get up; the others all backed up. When I was up I wobbled a bit before I collapsed again onto the ground that still seemed to be burning with silver flame. I looked down to look at my cloths and saw just as I remembered the black leather top and skirt with the silver scaling pattern. Then I sensed someone coming closer to me and I whipped around with my hand held out and Felix was blasted back with a lick of silver flame that seemed to come from the palm of my hand.

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