Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: First Real Battle

                  As we flew I just sat there watching everything move and I decided to experiment with attack advances. Kilau knew just what I was thinking once again.

With pleasure, Kilau roared.

 We flew up many feet above the others before we started the fast back wing. It essentially was flying super fast forward away from your enemies then snapping your wings open sailing right over the top your enemies. Through that motion we went right into spiral dive under our pretend opponent. Then rising faster than our dive we did a bounce check which was pouncing onto your opponent’s back forcing him to attack you twisting behind. Then you would attack the head by leaping over the head while jetting a flame at the enemy. It was a great practice and to through our enemy for a loop I asked Kilau for a flaming circle. Which was you facing your opponent and spiraling around it while giving it a consistent amount of flame directly to its body. I was proud of our practice, so when we got back down to our group everyone was enthusiastic about how well Kilau had performed and how I had stayed on in a perfect position to attack.

                       I took the praise graciously and with great pride. We continued on our way following the sun when we got to the dry lands. This was land that was once as rich and green as my land but after years of war nothing grew here and only a few animals could stand to live on the dry land with little to eat or drink. We winged over the dry lands for many hours when we came to a green patch that had a watering hole in it that could quench the thirst of our dragons. The dragons all drank first; drinking three fourths of the water hole but we didn’t mind it was still the same size of a very large pond. I was the last to drink and boy was it refreshing I knew that I could make more water appear in the hole, but did I want to reveal exactly how much power I had? I thought. I would even though it would mean revealing a lot. I rose up and walked into the center of the now knee deep water that was above my head I raised my hands making the water rise with me and as the others watched I started to twirl in a circle. The water became a vortex and as I gathered my power I thrust it into the water forcing it to become more. Then I slowed and before it crashed down on my head I used what power was swirling in the water around my legs to push me straight into the sky where Diego had been waiting with outstretched talons.

               At first they stared at the water for a couple seconds but soon turned their attention to me as Diego floated down to earth and gently folded away his wings.  At first there was silence. Obviously Gyldi and Zane knew just how powerful I had become. I mean I knew that Gyldi for sure knew, but I wasn’t sure how Zane knew I just knew that he knew. But Kilau and the others had no idea and suddenly I was bombarded with questions.

“Whoa, where did that come from?” Vivian asked.

“What the heck was that?” Charlotte asked.

 “Does this have something to do with you being dux?” Shawn asked.

                At first I was confused as to what Shawn had said and it was apparent that the others where to. Shawn looked around at the confused people and dragons.

“It’s Latin,” he said as if this would explain anything,” it means leader, duh!”

I knew that from the moment I heard that word it was the one to describe what I had become. Then my mind was bombarded with questions about my magic.

ROSE! Why didn’t you tell me about this! Kilau exclaimed.

How did you make more water? Hawthorn asked.

Did you grow water? Night Shade asked.

Are they actually real, Rose? Sarken asked.

                 I answered as best as I could and showed them how I could use the current amount of water to create more. They were all shocked at this and I told them that it was necessary that I keep this secret from them for a while as I was still experimenting with my magic intently. We all decided to spend a couple days here recuperating from our long trip.  The dragons took a second drink each but not as much this time since their thirst had already been quenched once. They all went sleep that night except me again. I just couldn’t find sleep within the boundaries of night. I got up made a magical message that Kilau would receive when she woke up in the morning but by then I would already be on my way. I got up stretched my legs knowing that no matter how fast I was I could never out run a dragon, but I could get ahead of one with this advantage. And so with my bow and quiver slung on my back I set off through the wilderness towards where I knew the sun would rise in. There was something in that direction that couldn’t wait a couple days and I needed to reach it soon otherwise something bad would happen. I would run/walk nonstop if I had to but all I knew was that I had to reach this important place no matter what. My strides flew through the miles without exhaustion through the entire night. When the sun started to rise I knew in about an hour Kilau would find the message and probably immediately fly out after me even though I told her to stay there because this was something that I had to do and I had to do it right now.

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