Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Falling

                   Just like I did when Kilau had hatched for me he reached down to touch the gold hatchling and when he did, he passed out, but was awake in about a minute as I might have figured. I grabbed the hatchling thrust it into Zane’s hands and left. He followed me to the creek where everyone else was waiting. I knew that from now on my entire life would forever revolve around dragons for the rest of my living days. They all knew about the eggs but Kilau, Azzurro, and I had kept Jade to ourselves and didn’t even let a thought slip to anyone about her very existence or the dark being. They didn’t seem surprised to see Zane holding the gold hatchling. They all stood up as I entered the clearing with silence, but they knew where I would come from and they always watched for me if I wasn’t already there. I sat down and so did they. Vivian took it upon herself to explain everything to Zane; I signaled Diego that it was okay for him to come out and see Zane for himself so he did. Diego trotted right up to Zane with his leopard hackles raised so he looked twice as large as normal.  I smiled to myself when I saw the frightened look on Zane’s face. He was right to be afraid of me and all that was part of me. Once Diego had satisfied himself that Zane wasn’t any danger to me yet, he calmly walked back to me before settling at my feet once again.               

                Vivian was just finishing up explaining things to Zane by the time I had finished the last saddle for I had brought my work along with me to keep my hands busy. The golden hatchling was already the size of a large dog and by tonight a horse and tomorrow full grown. The next time I looked up Zane appeared to be making a decision.

“I think I’ll name her Gyldi,” he said.

He showed me the same respect the others did as if seeing me as the head mistress which I knew the other masters and mistresses lent their respect to me as such. I just nodded at his decision with respect. I looked at the hatchling knowing that whatever happened this hatchling and her sister were special indeed and I also knew that Jade had been right when she had shown me her shattered memories. The dark figures had to be vanquished once and for all from this land as well as others until the entire world was cleansed. They all talked for a little bit but I wasn’t interested. I still had to find one more master or mistress and I had that problem with the creature. I still didn’t feel that it was necessary to inform the others of the danger, because the dragons were all looking out for each other and periodically scanning the area.

                I knew that they would let me know of any disturbance in the area that might be a dark creature. I told Zane to keep Gyldi with the other dragons for the night. Vivian started to protest but one look from me silenced her at once. I got up and walked out of the clearing and it was clear to the others that this meeting was adjourned with my leaving. When I was sure I was out of sight I climbed a tree and leaped back to watch the clearing. I knew something had transpired while I had been gone, but no idea what. That was when Kilau spoke.

Let’s do something fun, Rose!

I climbed to the top of the tree and just like we were the same being Kilau leapt at just the right moment and when I flung myself from the tree I landed right on her back with a whoop. I heard a joyous roar erupt from the surrounding dragons as they realized that this was a time of great joy. Since no one had left yet all the dragons quickly were mounted or they grabbed their master or mistress and flung themselves into the awaiting sky. I saw the dragons circle and twist in the air when I saw Zane on the ground looking longingly at the sky. Diego, who was now in raptor form like the rest of the gados, felt my thoughts and immediately screeched, plunging to earth talons outreached towards Zane.

                I saw Zane back up a little in fright and I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him; it was a lot to take in on one single afternoon. Diego was on him in a minute, but not in the way you might think. Diego gently grasped Zane’s shoulders lifting him up high in the air. I laughed at Zane’s shock. Diego flew straight towards me while Kilau flew straight towards him.  Diego suddenly soared upwards as Kilau started to pass under and dropped him.

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