Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Diving too Deep

                     As we flew I kept my eyes peeled until I found what I was looking for. I found a large cave that could hold all of us snugly. Kilau knew just where to go. As always she was right on cue with the landing; at that moment I knew that this place would be safe at least for tonight. I figured that if that vampire had a companion it would be at least another day before it figured out what had happened exactly. I motioned to the cave and told them that it was big enough for all of us. By that time everyone was exhausted from the trip through the clouds. The dragons all plopped down in exhausted heaps. Night Shade and Hawthorn were lying side by side and I had a sneaking suspicion that they both had always been sweet on each other. Izona and Gyldi lay in a sisterly pile.

              While Azzurro and Sarken lay near the entrance probably thinking that they would protect us if anything came through the entrance, I noticed Kilau moving towards the very back of the cave. So far Kilau didn’t have any other dragon close to her and I thought that she might be lonely; when I questioned her about it she said that she was perfectly fine with being by herself. At this time Cora hadn’t come along with us on this trip; she had stayed behind to protect the people in the village from any other threat to the best of her skills. I had instructed Cora to keep a careful eye on my mother in case she came into any danger. It was hard parting with Cora but we both agreed that it was for the best of the general people in our village. As the others all went to sleep next to their dragons I walked out of the cave to the entrance. Kilau had gone to sleep by herself at the back of the cave. I walked out into the moonlight; when I was sure I was alone I examined my clothes carefully for the first time all day. They looked kind of like regular clothes in a way. I wondered why I had been changed into this outfit.

              I watched the moon as I tried to find sleep sitting there. It wouldn’t come. I sat there watching the sky knowing that I should be getting so sleep but it never came. I couldn’t help wondering what I was supposed to do with my life now that I was a true whatever exactly I was. My dragon eyes probably couldn’t be hidden anymore so going back to my normal life was out of the question. I sensed something stirring in the darkness of the cave. I turned around to see Gyldi walked out from the entrance. She walked right up to me; lying down next to me I stroked her scales carefully.

Rose? Gyldi asked.

Yes, I replied.

I know that you like Zane,

Whatever makes you say that! I exclaimed as I felt a blush rising to my face.

Well it’s actually kind of obvious when I think about it. Whenever you think no one’s looking, you sneak a look at Zane and I can already see the twinkle in your eye that you get when you look at him.

 Is it really that obvious? 

Well yeah, Gyldi said with a ‘well, duh’ kind of voice.

Oh and I thought it would be so easy to hide it. You know, Gyldi, that Zane is the first guy that I have ever liked, but I am so different than the girl he kept from falling on the first day, I sighed.

I remember that day, for some reason I could hear everything going on, but I couldn’t speak up,

That’s strange, so you knew all about the plan as well? I questioned her.

              I saw Gyldi nod her gigantic head causing the moonlight to scatter sparkles across her vibrant scales.

Don’t worry, Rose, I haven’t told anyone that I know this, but I suspect that they all think that you like Zane and it’s quite obvious that Zane likes you as well.

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