Chapter 21: Capture

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Chapter 21: Capture

                      I feel anger and hatred towards everything. I feel love towards everything. I feel sorrow and I feel happiness. I feel violence and I feel peace all at the same time. I scream with agony as I cry with pity as I see what might await us in our journeys.  I collapse onto the ground from about fifty feet in the air and just lie there as the silence slowly follows. I can hear my scream of agony still ringing throughout the air as I breathe with effort. I know that something bad and terrible has happened. Everyone stays back and away from me and the ground smokes and smolders where I had landed. I feel a sudden pain in my back and I know that I’ve broken at least one of my shoulder blades. I groan and I feel something start to sizzle around me. I try to turn my head but I can’t move I just feel the stillness of the air and pain. Oh, intense pain and I manage another groan when the pain escalates just a little. I feel myself rising in the air with great pain I try to look down and up but I couldn’t see anything but a blur and I couldn’t even tell what color it was. I let my head flop back down as I lost all consciousness. I wake up in a bed made of purple and gold fabric as soft and warm as a new spring peach. I start to get out when I notice that I am no longer wearing my normal outfit. I gasp as memories fly back to me as of what had happened before I blacked out. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and then glance around at my room.

                   It was a cave wall I could tell right away by the way the stone was laid out.  The bed was very large and circular. I see a couple lamps that seem to be light by some strange substance that smelled eerily like peppermint. I notice a large wooden door at the front of the room right in front of the bed. On a chair next to the door I see my beloved bow and quiver. I remembered that I had been wearing the quiver and holding the bow with a death grip when I had passed out. This is very strange I think. I’ve never passed out before only when I became a dragon mistress. I imagine my normal outfit the comforting fit of the top that just covered enough skin to keep me warm but not cold. I can feel exactly where the belt rides on my hips. I see my black leather boots, my dragon knife at my hip. The arm braces that grace my forearms I can clearly see in my mind as if it were actually there. The dress type thing I was wearing was settled in a crumpled heap on the ground. I smirk. That is so not what a dux should be wearing. I have a sudden thought and I look at my shoulder. The dragon mark that resembles KIlau is there as it always is but something is strange this time. It is shinning as bright as the sun. I turn my head away and stride across the room to my weapons. I slip my quiver over my back making sure that all thirty arrows were still intact. I hold my bow as close to my body and I had one last image. I walk around the room a couple times before striding towards the door and grasping the handle.

                 I turn it slowly making sure to not attract attention. I pry open the large wooden door to reveal a long stone hallway. I enter the passage my hand on my bow at all times. Moving swiftly I enter the passage not knowing what exactly what was going to happen. I glide over the floor with no noise whatsoever. However I had a strong sense of urgency to get above ground and outside. I start to panic when I can’t find my way out. I twist and turn throughout the passage really panicking now. I stop and face the wall. I have a strange sensation. I know that this is the way out and I was going to do anything to get out of here. I raise my hands and start to hum loudly. My body erupts in silver flames and two silver orbs arise from my magic settling just above the palms of my hands. I continue to hum and then suddenly I stop. I raise my arms and without a noise whatsoever I throw the orbs directly at the wall standing in my way. A terrible rumbling comes the second the energy orbs make contact with the wall. When the dust clears I’m blinded by a blast of sunlight. My eyes quickly adjust to the light and I step through the debris and out of the cave. I’m on top of an enormous mountain top. Looking down I see a lake with strange rocks coming out of the water.

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