Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Caught

                    She didn’t even scream she was so surprised. Just like I knew they probably would dark green flames started to lick and block mine while surrounding Vivian. I watched as the flames curled around her. I yelled at her to curl into a ball and she did as if she could hear me but I knew that it was probably instinct. I watched as the flames entirely engulfed her. This was quite an amazing feat to witness I thought. Then just like that the green flames started to sputter away.

                   I knew that she was passed out from the first time major magic. She fell to the floor with a thud that might have injured a normal person. I moved towards her with speed I leaned over her carefully. Like I did her clothes were changed. Her top was cut off at mid chest but went all the way down on one side. It was the most beautiful color of evergreen I have ever seen identical to Hawthorn’s. Her pants were quite plain though. Just plain black fabric pants with black shoes. She had two holsters for some kind of knife on either side of her hips. She had two black braces on her arms just under her dragon mark and they also held two knives. Her medium length blond hair was long and flowing like mine but she had a green hair piece that looked like a scale holding the hair away from her face.

                       I had been right she was magical like me. She started to get up and I told her to take it easy, but I couldn’t hide the excitement in my voice from her. She finally opened her eyes and they weren’t her dull green eyes but they were dragon eyes identical to Hawthorn’s light amber with the slit down the middle. I may be the dux but it was obvious that all dragon masters and mistresses went through the same changes. She unsteadily got up and when I tried to help her she waved me away. She looked down at herself; she gasped I think. This was just the beginning I thought. I helped Vivian walk out into the main part of the cave. Everybody had probably noticed our absence because all were awake and looking out the entrance but all noticed our presence when we walked into the main cave. Every human jaw literally dropped to the floor when they saw Vivian and she was truly magnificent. Her eyes seemed to pear into your soul. I walked over to the wall as all the others crowded around Vivian with question upon question. She would be a formidable opponent and I was glad she was on our side. As I watched everybody surround Vivian I felt a twinge of jealousy. Vivian was always more beautiful than I will ever be and that was a fact. Everybody was surrounding Vivian so I decided to slip out the front while everyone’s attention was at the back.

                      All the dragons had their heads down over their partners to gaze at Vivian’s new outfit. My silent tread was quickly coming in handy as I snuck out of the cave to the edge of the rock cliff. I looked down into the darkness below I looked up to see the moon at half tonight. We’d been going for so many days that I quit counting. I thought of my mom and I thought of Cora. I wondered what I was going to do when this whole adventure was over but then came the thought that what if this adventure never came to an end. I thought about some things that I’d been thinking about today.. I formed a silver circle of magic settling onto the bottom of my own personal sphere to think. Where were we going? Did all of us have magic? What about Zane? These questions and many others whirled and whirled around my brain each jockeying for my attention first.  I knew that I should come down now and I planned to test Lacey next for magic and I was absolutely sure that she would have magic.

                I slowly released my sphere of magic to drop me to earth without a sound at all. Moving to the entrance of the cave I saw that all the dragons were all curled up in their groups. Hawthorn and Night Shade as always; Azzurro and Sarken; Gyldi and Izona as always all curled in their individual piles. Kilau was in the far back of the cave alone. Again I felt a pang of loneliness for her, Kilau never really socialized with anyone. I walked over to the group of humans where I knew Lacey would be. I found her in the middle next to Vivian. I knew that her magic would kick in when something activated it. I focused my magic ready to activate it. I clicked a flame to life on my fingers with just a thought. I attached the flame to Lacey’s hair watching it slowly work up to her head then right as I knew it would a dark beautiful blue flame erupted strongly from within demolishing mine and slowly engulfing Lacey’s body. I watched for a full minute before the flames started to sputter away. During this time nobody had awoken to view the spectacle that was taking place while they all slept. Finally when the flames faded into nothingness I saw clearly what she was now. I bent down and peeled open one eye. It was a dark orange dragon eye. I let it slid back into place while she continued to sleep. I looked at her dragon mark and like Vivian’s and mine it was now a blue dragon that circled her shoulder. Her outfit was most astonishing however. It was a dress of sorts.

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