Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Almost

                   Then it stops Felix’s eyes snap open and they are dragon eyes the color of Sarken’s, dark amber. His clothes are slightly changed too. Brown pants with brown leather boots. With the pants is a white cotton t-shirt. Attached to his hip is what I think is a belt but on this belt are several teal metal orbs that are just strange looking and I guess that this must be his weapon that he got when the magic finally kicked in. He must know how to use it then, I think to myself. He tries to get up but my silver orb of light keeps moving making him unstable so I pop it. I swoop in before Felix falls too far setting him back on top of Sarken with a gentle measure. I move off to check on the others and everything is fine. I let Diego fly me back to Kilau just as the sun sets and I decide to land in the wood for the night and I will keep guard throughout the night while the others get their much needed sleep. We land and I stay up while the others go to sleep. Kilau’s the last one to go to sleep but I know that she has something on her mind and while she’s asleep I prod her dream thoughts looking for a sign of something. What I see in Kilau’s dream thoughts is astonishing. She is lying in the middle of a forest of bright green leaves eating her favorite meal, deer. Then I see another dragon in the sky but because of the sun I can’t see exactly who until he lands. It’s Azzurro. He is magnificent.

                    If this is the way Kilau sees him then I am absolutely thrilled because I know for a fact that Azzurro likes Kilau too. I mean I’ve seen the way he gets that look when he looks at her and I’ve seen that look on Kilau as well and I feel happy if they get together then Kilau won’t be alone anymore. I emerge from her dream thoughts but I don’t immediately go back to guard duty. I stand stretch and walk over to Azzurro. I try to wake him up in my thoughts but it doesn’t work so I enter his dream thoughts. It is like Kilau’s. Azzurro’s flying with Kilau following her everywhere and there is no doubt of his love for her and from what I’ve seen her love for him. I finally nudge Azzurro and that wakes him up. When he sees me he starts to ask but I put a finger to my lips hushing him then motioning for him to follow me quietly. He does and when we are a ways from the group I say.

“I saw your dream thoughts,”

Wha-What you saw those it’s not what you think. You better not tell Kilau that I was dreaming about her, Azzurro exclaims.

               Don’t worry, I think, I won’t tell her a thing but you might. I can tell you love her very much and I have news for you to. Kilau loves you just as much. I saw her dream thoughts as well. Judging from those she’s liked you for a long time.

She really does? Azzurro asks eagerly.

I nod and he grows excited and he tells me that he will tell Kilau first chance he gets. With that he goes back to sleep but I see he shifts just a little closer to Kilau and I feel great joy in seeing now that Kilau has someone too. I walk over to her and kiss her nose.

“I hope you will be always happy with him, Kilau,” I whisper to her.

                    I curl up right next to her and almost fall asleep before I realize that I still have to remain on guard duty. I stand up stretch and go to stand under a tree watching the entire group. In a couple hours the sun rose and everyone woke up. Kilau stretched and looked around. I go up and greet her good morning. She tells me good morning and I tell her that I saw her dream thoughts. Kilau momentarily gets a look of terror on her face before forcing it to go blank. She tells me I better not tell him about her dream about him. I smile and say that Azzurro likes her just as much; she relaxes a bit and asks if he really does and I tell her that he really does. I walk away as Kilau moves closer to Azzurro and waited for the others to wake up. I watch her and when Kilau catches me watching she gives me the most despicable glare in the world. If looks could kill hers just might. I smiled to myself maybe she will find someone I think. Like I finally have Zane, she can now have Azzurro. I’ve been observing a couple of the others over the past couple days and both Felix and Shawn show the most promise for the development of their powers. I mean Felix’s already got his but I still don’t know what his dragon skill is. However I think he might possibly be a grower. I’ve spotted him working his magic on the ground one night and then in the morning a small tree or plant has already started growing up strong and healthy.

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