Chapter 34: Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Awake

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Chapter 34: Tick tock, tick took, Awake

              Why did I keep thinking of him? I mean surely there were more important matters to be thought about, weren’t there? Again I shook my head; throwing my muscles into their work I steadily picked up speed as I directed myself towards the spot where I knew I would find my answers. The images of the ground and sky flickered by without recognition I was flying faster than anything that was relative to this world. Nothing was greater than I at that one moment. I traveled day and night not even caring if I was hungry of not. My magic deep inside me gave me strength to keep going without food, nor water. This was my mission I would keep going until I found the place I was looking for. That was when I felt a small nagging thought in my mind, in my very soul. That woman that I had been thinking about a while ago I still needed to find her at all costs.

                  She was middle-aged she had short hair and soft eyes that I just couldn’t place. I felt that I was closer to her than I was to the other location. I would find her first. I decided to give myself three days to find her and if I couldn’t in three days I would have to move on to my more important mission. I desperately wanted to find this human no matter the costs my fear was this: I wouldn’t find her in time. Because even though I knew she was safe now I felt an overwhelming read towards her well-being. She was going to die if I didn’t find her first. And time was running out for her as I felt her inner life clock slowly tick towards midnight which I knew that when it reached that fateful hour she would be dead by then. I wasn’t sure how much time I had left but there wasn’t much of it.

                I threw myself into my flight and I felt my fast pace become even faster if that was faster I had to reach her before death did. I had to reach her before her clock stopped and I felt every minute passing by was a minute closer to death for this woman. I just had to make it there in time; to see this woman to finally know who exactly she was and what was happening to her. I just let my instincts take over as I let my mind wonder on this mystery woman. There was something about her that I had to know some secret some answer. There had to be something about her that would make her more important than my mission and that was good enough for me to at least look into her. Now that I had slightly connected with her I really had to find her now no matter what the consequences were to be. As each mile passed me by I felt her presence grow as I got closer to the place where something had started in this place.

             Suddenly I felt something stop me in mid-air. I froze in the air. She was close, very close. I looked down at the trees and a memory flash came across my vision. This was abnormal in itself but what really got me thinking was that the vision was the same image I saw right in front of me. There was one exception though. That memory was Rose’s. This was a place that was very important to my former self. I let myself down into the clearing beneath me that had a sparkling stream running through it. This place was special as a flood of Rose’s memories came to me. I saw Rose with another girl and a stone, a young Silver Wing, other hatchlings, blood-suckers, strange magical animals, a departure, an enormous change, and a beginning of a new being. That new being was me, Star Flower. I started here, right in this very clearing. I looked at the ground; it was filled with multi-colored flowers that judging from Rose’s memories was new in this place.

                Looking closer on inspection I saw that all the flowers glowed as I got closer. I felt a magnetic pull from the flowers, but a sudden time shift in the woman’s clock caused me to fill with urgency. She was very close to the end of her time. I would come back to this clearing after, but right now I had more important things to do. I launched back into the sky and this time nothing deterred me from going through. I flew low over the trees as I felt the woman growing closer and closer to death. I saw a tendril of smoke rising above the trees and I decided to take a closer look. I felt the rush of flames as an explosion resonated through the area. I was pushed back and I felt the clock get dangerously close to midnight. I was running out of time. I saw a large fire in the next clearing. I looked down and saw a shadowy creature-thing sprint away from the fire. I didn’t give it any thought. I had to put out this fire. I felt my own flames well up inside my belly and I hoped that my instincts were right.

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