Chapter 23: Searching

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Chapter 23: Searching

                 Eveyliha paused and waited for my reaction, but that was all information that I had either guessed or already knew so she continued.

“Once you are changed I will train you in the ways of vampires and you will be a great vampire when you do become ruler,” she smiled, like that thought made her happy knowing that she would be ruining my life.

I was disgusted by her words and that was the moment I swore that I would until my last dying breath do all I could to exterminate this species and the red crystal that had caused it. Eveyliha was I guess finished with her little informational speech because with a rustle of skirts she was gone and I was yanked backwards by the first vampire. I knew that I had to work fast after I was put back into my cell. I waited until about ten minutes after the vampire’s footsteps echoed away. I immediately got to work. First I stood up and I walked around working at my bonds.

                Eveyliha knew that I would be reluctant to become a vampire so I had to work fast if I was going to stand any chance of even trying to escape. Finally after about an hour I felt the ropes keeping my hands together drop to the floor in an ugly pile of black rope which I immediately kicked away. I looked at the back wall and I knew that if I had any chance of getting away I would have to go that way. So I sat down cross legged and was silent. I watched that wall for the best point to try to get out through. I found a slightly thinner strip right along the bottom and so I stood up; looking down at it. I tried calling my magic and this time it came with a vengeance so I let it flow into my palms. I knelt down; pressing my hands up against the stone and pushed. Just as I knew it would the stone started to move with very little effort on my part. I shoved harder and it came out into solid light and I knew that I had found a way out of my silent prison. Shoving the rock aside I crawled out the opening and quickly replaced the stone and sealed the crack so they wouldn’t see where I had gotten out. I looked down at my outfit and I realized that once I was out of there my old outfit had replaced the horrible red- black fabric that I had been wearing.

                  I felt the comfort of the quiver on my back and my bow in my hand right where they should be. I knew that they would probably discover I was gone soon so I ran. I ran with the speed and agility of an antelope through the surrounding country which was dark and barren and every time I touched the earth I felt it give me new energy, new life, new speed. With each step I got faster and faster until everything around me was just a blur. I can’t remember how long I ran or how fast I got to going but I am absolutely sure that I was going faster than any horse and I went longer than just a couple miles away from the mountain with the caves in it.

                I was so glad to be out of there and the best thing was that I was so far away that I couldn’t see the mountain anymore and I hoped that I never would have to again. I stopped for just a moment and thought hard. I needed to find Kilau and the others and I had to do it fast. I turned and lunged into the now ever darkening sky. I let myself float in the air; closing my eyes I let my magic form an enormous silver energy bubble around me and I focused my energy into one silver image. I knew exactly where I wanted to send it and I let it play over in my mind before making a decision. The scene viewed me captured in the cave and being yanked to my feet by the vampire then it switched to me escaping through the wall. Next I was running through the countryside towards the horizon. This was the message I was going to send out to the only one besides Kilau that might be able to receive this message. The predictor of our group, Shawn, was who I planned to send this message to. I focused my images and suddenly all began to spin inside my head faster and faster forever going faster. Then it was just a multi-colored blur and a flash of blazing silver light; making me close my eyes from the inside and then all was dark once again. I knew that my message had been sent, but whether it had been received was yet to be determined. I let myself float to earth and I felt a new burst of energy come from within the earth into my very soul urging me to run forever and as fast as I can go. I took off at a sprint retracting my bow and quiver into a bracelet and ring just miniaturized.

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