Chapter 25: My Real Death

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Chapter 25: My Real Death

                  For the first time in the past months I sat down and cried with despair. I would never be able to go back to my old life once I was changed or if I stayed dead. I heard the she-vamps laughing a cackle that would make any evil witch proud. It was hopeless, if I didn’t go back they would all die and another helpless girl would be caught and turned in my place. So I cried while I heard the battle rage below and the cackling of the witches surrounding me. I knew I would have to find some sort of solution where at least one of my friends survived. That’s when I had the sudden idea. Still crying and sniveling I crawled my way to the side while the witches laughed their heads off with madness, I knew that this was either a success or a failure. I hoped for the first one. I took a chance and leaped sailing right through one who was still laughing probably ten seconds after I’d fallen. I felt them scream with rage and start for me I could never hope to out fly them. I screamed out loud hoping someone or something would come to my rescue. I saw a couple of the dragons shake their heads as if a fly had buzzed near their ears. I tried sending a thought message, the one dragon that caught the message was Gyldi.

              I screamed as she met my eyes and even though I was just a soul I still had a connection to all of the dragons no matter who their master or mistress was. She winged her way to me as she roared. I sensed the she-vamps balk. Even though they were all powerful wind spirits they really were quite stupid at heart. I tried to make my wings work but since I was just a spirit I had no magic what so ever. I saw the concern in Gyldi’s eyes as she struggled to reach me. I saw the other dragon’s stare up at Gyldi as she seemingly flew towards empty space and that’s when they saw me, my spirit anyways. The humans were all dismounted in grief kneeling by my body. They all roared in delight seeing me hurtle down towards me waiting body. Then they caught sight of the wind spirits that screamed in rage and had revealed themselves for what they really were in truth. They all took flight with in a second of each other. The humans all screamed in harmony as the wind buffeted them. Lunging into the sky all flew towards the wind spirits that were now cautiously waiting in the air as if wondering if it was really worth getting roasted by a team of dragons. I flew right past Gyldi as she hurtled towards the she-vamps.

                    That was her worry; my worry was getting to my body and preventing anyone from getting hurt by these creatures ever again. I glanced at the battle and it was clear that the match of Zane and Kilau was no match for Eveyliha and the shadow dragon.  They were both going to die if I didn’t kill Eveyliha soon and I was the only one who could do it not Kilau, not Zane, not even one of her own species.

This was my destiny.

                I finally got to my body as two battles raged above me. I hesitated what if I couldn’t get back what if I spent the rest of eternity wandering the earth as nothing more than a lost soul. I knelt down while my friends surrounded me. They couldn’t see me nor sense me. I tried touching me and I felt the air around there warm when I made contact. I smiled this would work I just had to make it so. I stood up turned around and gazing at the sky I floated down into my body. I felt the change immediately. My eyes opened and I sucked in a breath that was more a gasp than anything. I was back. The others all leaped back when my eyes opened and now all wore expressions of shock since I had been ‘dead’ for about twenty minutes. I started to get up and they all scrambled backwards to get out of my way and I glanced up at the evil wind spirits raging with my dragons. I say one word and they evaporate into nothingness; they wouldn’t be coming back. My time being dead had caused me to become much more powerful and I knew that this battle would end here. I jumped into the sky my enlarged wings causing many whirlwinds on the ground that sent my friends spinning. I saw that Zane and Kilau were about to break and then they would be changed forever. So I flew up and above the fight and that’s when I cried one word.

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