Chapter 12

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I gained my consciousness again and carefully sat up.

"Careful, Uncle Ash." Cal said, stopping me from fully sitting up.

I moaned, rubbing my neck. I quickly realized that my neck was whelped.

"Brax what did you do?" I asked.

"Brax saved your life Ash." Cal said sternly.

Callum must be twelve years old now. His body must be aging along with his mind, he looks to be twelve now.

"You know how much hair I burned of the back of your neck? Just to keep your spine in your body, I had to cauterize the whole back of your neck." Brax said.

"Have we been moving?" I asked.

"No, I have been sitting here deciding how we are going to rescue Becca." Brax spat.

"And how do you think we are getting Becca back? Betas took her to their base at least ten miles back, and I bet they are tracking us right now." I said.

"We can't just leave her, Becca is Cal's mom." Brax argued.

"But she is more than capable of making it out alive. You know how she gets... stronger in dangerous situations." I stressed, remembering how powerful Becca became when she killed the wolf.

"They are torturing her." Cal said out of the blue.

"How, how do you know?" I asked.

"I just know." He said.

'Oh, yes. Definitely 12.'

"Ok, so now we have more motivation to get her out." Brax spat.

"Braxton, we have no chance at getting out of there alive with Callum. If they see us, Callum will be their first target. They don't know if he is a Bio and will automatically assume that he is. They will kill him on sight, and if he dies, Becca kills us." I said.

Brax sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He signed deeply.

"I don't really want to take a chance of Cal being killed." Brax said, pacing back and forth.

"We need a plan..."

"No joke." I hissed.

Brax glared at me for my comment but I stood by it.

"Cal, you think you can control what powers you have?" Brax asked.

"I really don't know Uncle Brax. I only have my advanced knowledge but that includes my hearing." Callum said.

I sighed and looked down on the long scar on my arm.

'If I ever see that Beta in battle again, I'm going to kill her.'

"Well what if we used Brax as a distraction to get Becca?" Cal suggested.

"And how would that work?" we asked Cal.

Cal sprouted a devilish smile, we leaned it.

"This is what we do." He said.

{I am so sorry this hasn't been updated in awhile, I working on two other stories as well (*_*). But I think I might put those on hold while I write this one!}

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