Chapter 35

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Gasps and terrified shrieks filled the room. I tried to speak but they were too frantic to hear me. I whistled and hollered, they didn't hear me. I was shouting, but that didn't overcome the yelling and shrieking. My anger began to rise in me, and I clenched my fists.

"Enough!" I screeched, fed up with their incompetence.

The room suddenly went quiet, and I realized what I was doing. My hands were clenching so hard my nails were drawing blood from my palms, and the floor of the room was pitch black and wriggling. I waved my hand right and all the blackness amassed into a huge black wave. I split the darkness and now it towered on both sides of the room, the people screamed. I manipulated the darkness onto the ceiling, and made it disperse to all corners and crevices of the room. I heard Annabeth behind me.

"I told you I was right."

I glanced at her then turned back to them.

"That's enough of that now." I said. They were silent. "There isn't some mass killer on the loose, Tristan took his own life in his dorm. He left a note." Annabeth stepped forward, handing me the letter, then stepped back. I held the letter up, showing them. I unfolded it and read it aloud.

"I, General Tristan Jax, am resigning my post to Private Annabeth King." Annabeth stepped beside me as murmurs echoed in the small room. "I fear that I can no longer handle the burden of the approaching battle, and see no positive outcome. Private Annabeth King is to lead the Rebellion from this moment until the day she dies or resigns." A few people began to speak, but guards shushed them. "I am alone in my quarters at this time, I'm using my own knife and take my life. No one has influenced me do this but myself, and I do so because I fear that I will fail to lead the Rebellion as it should be led." One man stood and raised his finger pointedly, a guard walked to him and pushed him back down. "Private Annabeth King will be a deeming leader, as I have known her for her whole life, and never once has she faltered. To whoever finds this letter and my body, good luck in the upcoming war. May God be with us. General Tristan Jax." I looked up from the letter, daring them to defy me, or Annabeth.

A young boy stood and seeming looked right in my eyes as he spoke.

"Tristan would never kill himself, he was murdered!"

"He left a note, he clearly did kill himself." I argued, trying to keep my cool.

I really didn't want to kill him here, then it would feel more like a dictatorship.

"Lies!" He shouted. "General Tristan was the bravest of us all, this girl won't be able lead us the way Tristan did!"

"Great, an old fashion sexist." Annabeth whispered to me.

"And if I kill him here it will become a dictatorship." I murmured back.

"If he keeps going he will rile everyone else and it will be a massive gravemound. You can scare them though." She hinted.

I nodded. I began to glare at the boy, thinking of the best way to strike fear in them. Any type of bloodbending will terrify those who don't know I have this power. I was unaware I was still glaring at the boy as he began to seize.

'I'm thinking what I am doing to him, this is new.' I thought.

I twisted his arm behind his back, and made him drop to his knees. His nose had begun to bleed, which I noticed is common when I control someone too aggressively, but I made him stay down. As far as he is concerned, I only control his left arm and his legs, the rest is in terror-shock. Some of the women screamed, even some of the men screamed.

"You dare disrespect the new General before her Privates? You should have held your tongue boy." I said, still contorting his body. "Speak what is on your mind. Before the General tells me how to do away with you." I hissed, before he moaned in pain.

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