Chapter 26 - Leaving

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The Story of Us

Chapter 26

I cry the morning Filly and Andy have to go home, not wanting them to leave.

That morning, I help both of them get all of their things all packed up, trying to delay them leaving.

"It's gonna be okay, Madz," Andy says as I wipe away a tear that has fallen down my cheek.

"I know," I reply, shaking my head at my foolishness. It's not like I'll never see them again. I already have a flight booked to visit them for a few days before school starts.

"Good. Now help me find my other shoe." Andy motions to me with his hand, looking under the bed in his guest room.

I roll my eyes. This boy can lose anything, and I mean anything. If his head wasn't attached to his body he'd lose it within minutes.

I begin searching the room, looking under everything that could possibly be hiding a shoe. Andy was only here for five days, yet he has this room so messy it looks as though he lives here.

"What shoe am I looking for, doofus?" I ask, picking up a beanie and throwing it in the general direction of his suitcase.

"It's my black van, left foot!" He replies, grunting as he starts to crawl under the bed.

I continue searching the room, looking everywhere. When I think all hope is lost, I open the bottom drawer of the large dresser in the room, finding it.

"Aye! I found the treasure!" I yell, grabbing it and holding it over my head with victory.

Andy takes a while trying to get out from under the bed, looking at the shoe in my hand. He jumps up, lunging at me to try to get it. I step away, holding the shoe out of his reach.

"Come on, Madison. Give me the shoe," he whines. He grabs at it again, but I step back.

He rolls his eyes before running at me, starting to chase me. I quickly dodge him, running out of the room, running downstairs and into the living room, Andy not far behind.

"Give me the shoe!" He demands, jumping over the back of the couch and coming at me. I run back upstairs into my room, diving into my room and locking the door.

"Maddie!" He pleads. "I need my shoe!"

"You can have it if..." I rack my brain for something. "If you tell me I am the most amazing best friend you've ever had in the entire world!"

Silence follows my statement before he finally says something.

"I would say that, but I'd feel bad for lying to you!" He taunts, making me roll my eyes, kind of offended.

"Then I guess you can't have your shoe back!" I counter, smiling evilly to myself.

"Maddie!" He groans in annoyance. "Fine. You are the most amazing best friend I've ever had in the entire world!"

"Promise?" I tease, placing my hand on the door handle.

"I promise Maddie!" He sounds sincere, so I open the door. Andy tumbles into the room, ramming into me and grabbing his shoe. We both lose our balance, falling over, Andy pinning me to the floor with his body.

"Andy! Tell me you did not just tell Maddie that she is the most amazing best friend you've ever had!" Filly comes in, giving Andy a glare.

"Uh... I did," he says, still not moving from on top of me.

Filly rolls her eyes and I can tell she's offended. "Get up before Maddie dies from suffocation. You're squishing her!"

Andy rolls his eyes in annoyance, pushing himself up and getting off of me, grabbing my hand and pulling me up with him.

Filly cocks her hips, looking mad.

"You two done?" She sneers, refusing to look either of us in the eye.

Me and Andy look at each other, not understanding her sudden attitude. She's always happy and smiling, no matter what. Seriously, when she found out her boyfriend cheated on her, she acted happier than I did. She was trying to cheer me up, rather than me cheer her up.

"Filly? Are you okay?" I ask cautiously, my face taking on a confused look.

She looks at me with hard eyes, rolling them.

"Oh I'm fine, Maddie." She says sarcastically, walking out of the room and back to her room.

"The hell?" Andy says, obviously just as confused as I am.

He's out the door with me behind him, trying to get to Filly.

We barge into her room, finding her violently throwing her clothes into her suitcase.

"Filly! What's wrong?" Andy asks, looking worried. He approaches her, but stays out of her arm reach.

"What's wrong? Nothing's wrong!" She rolls her eyes for the third time in five minutes, turning towards us.

She doesn't look us in the eyes, but I can see the pain in her eyes.

"You can tell us, Filly," I tell her, trying to get her attention.

"Oh can I? It's not like either of you would understand!" She cocks her hip and crosses her arms, looking at us with glares.

"Filly!" I say shocked, widening my eyes. "We're your best friends!"

She flinches at my raised voice, her eyes softening as she slowly sits down on her bed.

"I'm sorry. It's just...everything is crashing down on me! I start to like this really great guy, and everything is amazing. I come to visit my best friend, and I meet this other great guy. I have such strong feelings for both of them, and I can't handle it!" She throws her hands up in the air, tears falling down her face. This is one of the only times I've seen her cry without cracking a joke. "The worst part is, they are best friends! Neither of them live near me! I'm so stupid!"

She puts her face in her hands, sobbing.

Me and and Andy sit on either side of her, trying to comfort her.

I'm confused though at first. How can she like someone so much that she's only known for a few days?

But then I think back to how I was after meeting Kian, and I understand. I liked him a whole heck of a lot, and that's only grown. I think I could even love him, but I'm not sure.

"It's going to work out, Filly," I assure her, hoping that I'm right.


"Okay, so you seriously have to call me, like, a lot." I tell Filly, holding her in a tight hug.

She giggles. "Don't worry I will."

"Forget about me?" I hear Andy joke. I pull away from Filly and take a step towards Andy, feeling his arms slide around me as he squeezes me tight, picking me up off the ground.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" I confess, not wanting to let go of my best friend.

"Flight 063 to Nashville, Tennessee," a voice booms over the intercom.

"No," I say quietly, squeezing Andy one last time before letting him go.

I turn to give Filly one last hug, getting extreme déjà vu.

I see Filly talking to Sam, a tear falling from her eyes. She hugs him, kissing his cheek when she lets go of him. She backs away, turning away from Sam. She gives me another huge hug, squeezing me so tight I could explode.

When she lets go if me, Kian gives her and Andy their bags, standing by me and putting a comforting arm around my waist.

"Bye guys! I love you!" I call out as they start to walk to the boarding area.

They both look over their shoulders, waving at me with smiles on their faces.

I'm sad to see them go; without them I have no clue what I'd do with myself.


You guys continue to amaze me.

I was in Indiana over the weekend with family so I didn't have time to write or get on, but I look at the last chapter and I see that is says 55 votes. I nearly screamed with joy. Then I realized that my family were all in the same room with me so I refrained.

But wow! 55 votes!! I can't believe it!

Thank you guys so much for the support! It literally means the world to me. Your comments and votes make me so happy!!!

Keep the votes and comments coming!

I'll update when I can but on Thursday (my birthday;) I will be heading to Florida! Gonna go to Disney and to the beaches! So I won't be writing much. I'll write during ride there most likely, but whether I post or not is depending on how much time I have.

But anyways, thanks again! I love you guys so much!

Just letting you guys know: there is a sequel to this! It's named Over Again! Just go to my page to find it if you've already read this!

xox -Delilah

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