Chapter 8

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Author's Note: As you can see I updated. My screen is fixed. It's like heaven!! Any way hope you enjoy the rest of the story. These notes are going to be rare, so you don't have to waste your time reading these. Enjoy the story


"Wait, Sam likes you?!" Alexis said into the phone shocked.

"Yeah." I said still in shock. "We have been friends forever. I would think all the things he know about me would turn him away."

"Me, too." Alexis said plainly into the phone. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know." I said flipping to my back on my bed, facing the ceiling. "I just let it blow over."

"I don't think that'll work." she says. "He has strong feelings for you."

"Hey, Tara." I heard Sam knocking on the door. "Can I come in?"

"Bye Alexis." I said hanging up. "Sure come in." it's now or never.

"Hey. He said climbing up to the ladder to my bunk.

"Hey." I said putting my phone on the side of me.

"I saw that you went through my phone." he said looking at the bed.

"Yeah," I said looking away awkwardly. "Im sorry about that."

"You saw the conversation didn't you?" he asks actually looking up at me.

"Yes." I said taking a deep breathe in. "Sam, I-"

"No it's fine," he cut me off. "I-I didn't expect you to feel the same way anyway."

"Sam I like you," I said leaning forward putting hand on his. "But not in that way, I'm sorry. One day your going to find the perfect girl. I may not be now. But I promise you will find her."

"Thanks." he said looking Ito my eyes and I pulled him into a hug. "Wanna come with us back to Connor and Ricky's house." he said with a slight smile.

"Sure." I said. "But first I'm going o change. And that means you need to get out." he groaned and fell on his back on the bed.

"I don't wanna get up." he groaned.

"Fine, I'll just get Kian." I threaten. Kian gave Sam the worst wedgies ever, and Sam knew if got him, he would get one.

"Okay meet you in the kitchen." he bolted out the door.

I changed into a orange tank that faded into what as it went up to my neck, and light blue acid washed shorts. I grabbed Ricky's I wore to bed and all yesterday. And went to the kitchen. Where Sam was in the floor crying in pain holding his butt. And then there was Kian causally standing there eating a bagel.

"I don't know what's wrong with him." Kian said innocently.

Then I knew what happened to Sam. Kian had him a wedgie. And a bad one, too. Because after we got him up, he couldn't even walk. All I did was laugh and help him to the car.

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