Chapter 23

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I open my eyes. I'm in a different room. It's not my room. It's not Ricky's, or Alexis's, or any of the boys. I jump up and look around. It's my new room. I get up and walk out. I went the small hallway and it opened up to a kitchen. Where Ricky, Connor, Alexis, and Jc were sitting.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Ricky said taking a bit out of his bagel.

"Morning." I said picking up a bagel and taking the knife and spreading cream cheese on it. "Hey, Jc. Can you take me to get a tattoo?" I asked. Everyone coughed and stared at me like a crazy person.

"What?!" he asked shocked.

"C'mon please! I'm 18 and I always wanted one and now since I'm out of the house I can't do pretty much anything I want."

"Not exactly." Ricky said sternly. "Conrad, cloudy and I live across the hall. Don't get your hopes up."

"Please Ricky." I gave him the best puppy face while walking over to him and sitting on his lap. "Please."

"Fine." Ricky sighed out after a few seconds. "But I'm taking you, not Jc."

"Yay! Thanks!" I said kissing him inches cheek and running to my room taking my bagel with me.

I changed out of my pajamas as fast as I could. Then ran downstairs back to Ricky. He grabbed his car keys and we went out the front door to his orange car. Jc gave us directions to the closest tattoo shop. We were now driving to it.

"Can you go any slower?" I asked Ricky.

"Are you 100% sure you want to do this?" He asked.

"Yes, I am." I said confidently.

"Okay." he sighed.

We were at the tattoo shop in 10 minutes. The smell of ink filled the room. The sound of buzzing filled my ears. I was scared, but I'm going to get a tattoo. I looked over to Ricky he looked as scared as I was on the inside. A boy not even close to being in his 30's came up to us.

"Which one of your getting a tattoo?" he asked.

"How did you know?" Ricky asked cautiously behind me.

"A boy named Jc called and said that a pretty girl with a loser boyfriend were coming to get a tattoo." He explained.

"I'm getting the tattoo." I spoke up before Ricky could say anything to the man.

"Okay, look at the designs and come to the back and I'll so your tattoo." the guy said. "I'm Timmy by the way." Timmy said walking to the back.

"Whatcha getting?" Ricky asked watching as Timmy walked to the back.

"Barcode on the back of my neck." I said starting towards the back.

"On your neck?!" Ricky exclaimed grabbing my arm.

"Yeah, then a infinity sign on my ring finger." I said. "Right on top of the ring."

"Who's paying for this?" he asked.

"You." I said walking to the back.

"You ready?" Timmy asked as he dipped the needle into the black ink.

"Yeah." I said shaky. Ricky held onto my hand.

"Tell me when you want me to stop." Timmy said.

I felt the sharp, burning pain on the back of my neck. I stopped myself from twitching or making a noise. I held onto Ricky's hand even tighter. My eyes were starting to water. I tried to take my mind off if. I started think of soft things like; pillows, puppies, Ricky's hand. That's what I will do, think of Ricky. I thought about all the time we spend together, how we are planning on getting married, how we will spend the rest of our lives hopefully together.

"All done." I heard a voice say as I came out if my trance.

"Already?" I ask. "How long did it take?"

"It has been 20 minutes." Timmy said handing me a mirror. "Go check it out."

I took the small mirror over to the bug one and looked. It was wicked. It was a barcode and in between the lines in the bottom or said 'Human'.

"This is awesome, thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

"You still have one more remember?" Timmy said taking the mirror back. "C'mon. This one wont take as long."

The Twin Sister (O2L)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon