Chapter 15

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I was about to go after him, when the I heard beeping. Great, pancake batter got on the stove where the flame was. I turned off the stove and cleaned off the batter. Only burning myself once. I put the burn under cold water and held of there for what felt like forever, before the burning was gone. Wrapped up my hand. Yes, I burnt my hand. Not my finger. Like my palm. I don't know how. But I did. I finished the pancakes, putting left overs in the fridge. And eating the ones I picked out. I texted Alexis.

Me~ Hey, Dean is back in town and wants to catch up over dinner

Alexis~ Dean?! As in our best friend and man you said you were going to marry Dean?!

I laughed remembering that day. We had to do a class play and Dean and I had hold hands. Yeah, I know holding hands isn't a big deal. But to a 6 six old, it was a big deal.

Me~ Yeah that Dean. So you free tonight?

Alexis~ Not anymore! I'll come by your house later and then we will meet up with Dean there.

Me~ K, bye!

Alexis~ Bye!

I sat there for 2 hours going three the channels on the tv. Every now and then I would check Instagram or Twitter. Most comments and tweets were of how cute Ricky and I were, I smiled at those. Then there was that one comment; 'fat' 'ugly' 'stupid' 'Ricky could do a million times better' 'tramp'. Pretty much every other 'insulting' word in the dictionary. I just would usually block the person or report them. Then as I was going on, I saw Ricky been fighting with the haters, and defending me. He's incredible.

Me- Thanks

Ricky💘- for what?

Me- Twitter and Instagram.

Ricky💘- They're just jealous, babe, don't listen to them. I'm in love with you and all your little things.

Me- Cheese ball.

Then it hit me. Ricky just said he loved me.

Me- Love you, too.

Usually Ricky texts back right away. But didn't text back at all. I'm going to be those overly attached girlfriends, but I am seriously wondering why he didn't text back. Half hour passes by. Nothing. Be didn't even read the text. I was starting to get upset. What is Ricky didn't mean that he loved me. Maybe he just said it as a joke. He's probably all freaked out by what I said. I ruined everything. I felt a tear rolled down my cheek.

'It nothing, he probably went swimming or something.' I said to myself. 'For a hour.'

That's when I broke down in tears. He doesn't love me back. Why did I ever think that. I'm so stupid. I heard the front door open and close. I quickly laid down and pretend to be asleep, facing the cushions of the couch, not want Kian to see me crying.

"I know you crying." he said rubbing my cheek, wiping away tears. I got up and pulled him into a hug and cried on his shoulder. "Sh, everything is fine, Ricky is never going to hurt you again."

"What?" I asked pulling away from Kian.

"I love you, I don't want you to get heartbroken, so I told Ricky to stay away from you and not text you." Kian said standing up.

"What the fuck Kian!" I yelled standing up with him. "I love him, and he loves me back."

"If he loves you then why didn't he say it directly to you in person than on text." he shouted back at me.

I ran out of the living room and locks myself in our room. I put a chair up against the doorknob, too. Knowing Kian probably got the key and will try and get in. I went onto my bed on the too bunk and just hid under the covers and cried.

"C'mon Tara! Open up!" Kian said banging on the door. "Please open up! Please." Kian stares pleading, sounding like he was choking on tears.

I just sat under the covers looking at a picture of Ricky and I together. Smiling. Then another. Kissing. This one was my favorite. It was from when we announced being a couple. It's amazing how fast things can go wrong.

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