Chapter 11

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The next day was quiet. Ricky and hung out all day and vloged for his channel. And after I went home, we texted each other all night. Today I was going back over to hang out. I knocked on the door.

"Hey!" Ricky said hugging me and kissing me. "I have to go get some food. Connor isn't here, so you wanna come? Or be alone for a hour?"

"I'll go with you." I said. Ricky ran back in for his keys locked the door and we went to his car. "Ricky, why do you still have a orange car?" I asked laughing.

"What? You don't it attractive?" he asked doing a stupid 'sexy' pose on the car. I just laughed at him and got into the passenger seat.

"Can I drive on the way back?" I asked and he just looked at me weird. "Please!!"

"Okay, but." he said.

"What?" I groaned.

"We announce our relationship in my next video." he said as we pulled up to a red light and he looked at me.

"I don't know." I said looking away.

I didn't want to announce our relationship so soon. Kian, Sam, and Trevor don't even know we are dating. I'm nervous of what Kian would say. I'm scared of what the fans would think. I lifted my head up and saw a gentle face, desperate Ricky.

"I guess we can." I said and Ricky pulled me into a hug. Then a bunch of honks started to go off. The light was green. Ricky and I parted and our faces turned red as we drove off.

We finally got to the food store. Ricky was vloging. We decided to do a contest. Whoever can get the items on their list the fastest wins. I don't know what the winner would get.

"Ready, set, go!" Ricky said as we pushed our carts to the other sides of the store and went to collect the items.

I had to get cereal, soup, chips, and other stupid items I don't even want to know why they need. I was about to grab the last giant bag of Sour Patch Kids, when my hand bumped into someone else's.

"Im sorry." a familiar voice said. I looked over. I couldn't believe it. It was Dean.

"Dean Thomas?" I asked cautious.

"Yeah." he looked at me closely. "Wait, Tara? Tara Lawley?!"

"Yeah." I said smiling.

"I can't believe it!" he said pulling me into a hug. "Oh my god, I thought I would never see you again! I missed you! You changed so much!"

"I missed you too." I said hugging him back.

"Wow, your so beautiful." he said pulling away looking at me. "Do want to catch up over dinner later."

"Uh." I said shocked.

"Tara, I win!" I hear Ricky say as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Who is this." I felt his grip get tighter and voice get more intense.

"This is Dean." I said gesturing to Dean. "He was my best friend before he moved away two years ago."

"Hi." Dean said sticking out his hand to Ricky.

"Hi," Ricky put out his hand. "I'm Ricky, Tara's boyfriend." his voice stern.

"Oh," Dean said awkwardly. "I have to go, here's my number text me if you ever want to catch up." Dean gave me a piece of paper with his number on it and walked away. I saw Ricky making himself look bigger. Like that was possible.

"Thanks." I said annoyed grabbing the the bag of Sour Patch Kids and put it into the shopping cart.

"What?" he asked defensively.

"I haven't seen him in two years and you had to get jealous." I said pushing the cart away.

"I heard him say you were beautiful and ask you out. I had to do something." he said going in front of my cart and stopping me looking into me eyes. "Your my girlfriend. I care about you. I don't like the feeling of losing you. I'm sorry."

I felt so guilty now. "I'm sorry." I said back.

He came over to me and hugged me.

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