Chapter 18

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I pulled into the driveway, locked the car, and went inside. I heard the tv in the living room on. I walk in. Kian is sitting there watching Spongebob. He doesn't ever look at me.

"H-hi Kian." I said nervously. Nothing. "I'm sorry." he just sat there, and watched the tv like he couldn't hear me or see me.

I went into our room. My stuff wasn't there.

"Kian, where's my stuff?" I asked walking back into the living room. Again, like I wasn't there. "Kian, seriously, where is my stuff." He pointed to boxes by the front door. "What?" he got up and walked straight up to me.

"You are no longer my sister." he said looking me into my eyes. "Get out. I never want to see you again."

I stood there in shock. He walked away from me and sat down on the couch.

"Fine, I'll leave," I said turning around. "I was going to move out anyway, and you packing my stuff helped me." I picked up the three small boxes, I didn't own much, Kian and I shared a lot of things.

I walked out. I didn't have to keys to the car anymore. I sat down on the few front steps we have to the house. I didn't know where to go. Trevor was busy recording. Jc went back to Texas. Sam is somewhere being Sam. Connor and Ricky I already disturbed enough. Alexis was sick. And Dean, I could call Dean. I picked up my phone and called Dean.

"Hey." he said.

"Hey, I'm so glad you picked up." I breathed out.

"I would answer your call." he said as he used to. "What's up?"

"Kian kicked me out of the house." I said, this time it hitting me hard at the fact he said I was not longer his sister.

"That sucks," Dean sighed out. "I'll come pick you up."

"Please." I begged.

"Of coarse." he hung up.

I sat there for 5 minutes before he pulled up.

"I understand you need a ride." he joked as he got out and helped me with my boxes.

"Thanks." I said getting into the passenger side as he got into the drivers.

"Anytime." he started the car and we were moving short after. "Why did Kian kick you out?"

"I guess he was mad at me." I said looking at my fumbling thumbs biting back what I wanted to say next.

"There's something else," he said eyes glued on the road. "What is it?"

"He said I wasn't his sister anymore. And that he never wanted to see me again." I said a tear finally rolling down my cheek.

"Don't cry." Dean said as we pulled up to a red light. "He's probably over reacting to something, remember when we were little and he say he'd hate you and then 10 seconds later be hugging you and telling you how much he loved you. It's like that. Give him time to cool down."

"Have I ever told you how awesome you are at making things better?" I asked laughing.

"Nope." he continue to drive when the light turned green.

"Well you are." I said feeling my phone in my pocket vibrate. I was praying it was from Kian. But it was Ricky.

"Hey, Kian invited us over, I thought you'd be here and all of your stuff. What's going on?" he asked whispering.

"Ask him." I said my heart hurting remembering what he said.

"You're upset." he said. "Are you okay."

"Fine," I said looking over at my old best friend. "Just fi-fine."

"I need to call you back, Trevor just asked why you weren't here, Kian is about to tell us." Rocky hung up.

"Who was that?" Dean asked pulling into his driveway.

"Ricky." I said putting my phone into my pocket.

"Your boyfriend?" I nodded. "How come he didn't pick you up?"

"I spent the night there and he wanted to make me breakfast and I didn't feel right letting him do all these things for me." I said picking up a box as Dean picked up the other two.

I walked in, not being greeted by Dean's mother like usual. The house was so quiet. Dean lead me to one of the only rooms on the house.

"You can stay as long as you want." he said putting the boxes down.

"Where are your parents?" I asked sitting on the bed.

"In New Jersey." he said sitting next to me. "I can back here by myself."

"Why?" I asked scooting closer.

"I came back for you," he said looking square in the face.

"You came back, just for me?" I asked my mouth hanging open.

"Yeah," he said looking anywhere else but me now. "The night I was leaving Alexis told me. And over time. I was thinking about it. And I found out I liked you in that way too. So, now I'm here."

"Wow." I said looking away from him.

"I wanted you to come back with me." he said, pulling my attention straight back to him.

"What?" I asked getting up.

"It'll be great. I know to have a boyfriend, but your fighting with your brother. And your boyfriend is best friends with him. I don't think that going to be healthy later. But if you go back with me, we could try." he said getting up with me.

"So your saying I should leave my boyfriend and best friends and go all the way across the country, just so we could have a chance at being together?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I'm your best friend, and you could meet my friends. Trust me, it'll be better there." he said grabbing my hands. "Come with me."

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